Thu, Feb 24 - Sat, Feb 26, 2022

Roadrunner PCA Autocross School

Sandia Speedway / Albuquerque Area

About this event

                              February 24 and 26, 2022

Are you familiar with Autocross?  It is a performance driving experience around a course marked with traffic cones conducted in a safe environment at relatively low speeds.  If you are new to the club, new to your Porsche or other favorite car, want to improve your driving technique, or simply want to enjoy your car, join us for a great school to develop basic autocross skills for novice level drivers.  This school is designed as an introduction to Autocross, with the inexperienced student in mind. You do not have to have a Porsche to participate.  The school will include a Thursday evening ZOOM classroom session followed by an on-track session on Saturday.  The Saturday session will include various exercises with track-side discussions, guided course walks, and in-car coaching.  You will gain additional confidence in your driving ability, learn the limits of your car's braking capabilities, practice correct seating, hand, feet, and vision positions, as well as push the limits of your tires' adhesion capability. On Sunday, we will have set up a course with lots of interesting autocross features.  Twists, turns, and slaloms all await you to improve and challenge your driving skill.  

SPACE IS LIMITED, PRIORITY WILL BE GIVEN TO PCA MEMBERS!  The driving portion of the school is currently full.  As of Friday, 2/17/22 anyone who registers for Saturday will be placed on a wait list and notified on Wednesday if they can drive on Saturday.  Anyone can still register and attend the free Zoom session on Thursday.

Location:  Sandia Speedway/Albuquerque Area (Link)

Entry Fee:  The school includes the Thursday evening ZOOM classroom (free) and Saturday Track school ($55).  A Sunday autocross (Frostbite) is also available at a reduced cost ($50) if purchased with the school. You must attend the classroom session to participate on Saturday. NOTE:  No on-site registration will be available at the track.  All payments are deferred and accounts will not be charged until the event, so if you register and find out that you can't make it to the track, please cancel your registration prior to the close of on-line registration or contact the event coordinator.


8:30 am    Check In and Welcome               7:00am        Setup

9:00 am    Drivers' Meeting                          7:30-8:30 am  Check-In/Tech 

~9:30 am   Car Safety Check/Course Walk    ~8:15-9:30am  Open Course Walk

10:30 am   Driving: Exercises/Drills            9:00am   Guided Course Walk

~12:00 m  Lunch                                       9:30am   Drivers Meeting (MANDATORY)   

12:45 pm   In-car Instruction                      10:00am   First Car off

3:30 pm    Wrap Up                                 ~12:00 m  Lunch 

                                                                   3:00-3:30 pm  Teardown  

Course (Saturday):  AutocrossCourse (3).pdf        Course (Sunday): AutocrossSunday (1).pdf

Event requirements


You must have a valid drivers license  and be 18 years of age or older to attend the driving portion of this school unless you are eligible for the Porsche Junior Participation Program. You also must sign the insurance waiver at the track and wear a wristband.

Before you can participate in the driving portion of the school, your car will need to pass a basic tech inspection. Tech inspection will take place each day before start of any driving.  Most street cars easily pass the inspection. The owner/driver should do a pre-tech inspection no earlier than 4 weeks prior to the event.    

Helmets: Snell-rated SA, SAH, or M2010 or newer helmets are required when driving.  Loaner helmets are not available due to COVID.

This is a "Run/Work" event.  That means you are required to work a position when you are not driving during the autocross.

We are using a car-based classification system for autocross in 2022.  Find out in what class your car runs at the following link:  2022 RRRPCA Autocross RuleChanges.docx  This classification is needed if you sign up for the Sunday "Frostbite" autocross.  It is not needed for the school on Thursday or Saturday.

 In all things PCA does, first and foremost is the health and safety of our members, sponsor and communities.  Only COVID-19 fully-vaccinated individuals may be in the same vehicle unless they are members of the same household.  (Depending on COVID-19 restrictions at the time of the event, this restriction may be modified.)  One of the individuals must be an instructor. 

Community Protection (COVID-19) Guidelines for this event follow.  Federal, State and local guidelines supersede these guidelines where there is conflict or ambiguity.  

  • Stay home when you are sick. If you are sick with fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please do not attend our event. The CDC recommmends persons who are higher risk for severe illness to stay at home.
  • Stay home if you have tested positive or know you have been in contact with someone who has been sick in the last two weeks. 
  • Practice social distancing of at least 6 feet between non-cohabititating attendees.
  • Wear your face mask when in the presence of others. In New Mexico, everyone who is unvaccinated is required to wear a face covering when in public except when drinking, eating, or under medical instruction.  Masks and cloth face coverings may prevent people who do not know they have the virus from transmitting it to others. Wearing a mask is a sign of respect for other people and demonstrates your desire not to be a source of infection for them, just as you would like for them to be looking out to protect you.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue into the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipes.
  • Use best judgement and common sense regarding your fellow members' good health.

Region Leadership including the Event Chair have the authority to require you to leave if you cannot comply with these community protection measures.

Entries (33)

Jim Garton
Paul Dodd
Audrey Liddy
Anthony Sciarrino
Lydia Sciarrino
Daniel Jarek
James Cheek
Edward Risley

Sandia Speedway / Albuquerque Area

Albuquerque, NM
Download track map
Download track map


Autocross/Solo organized by

PCA - Roadrunner - Autocross

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Event over!