Fri, Aug 16, 2024

WDC -Track Rat- Open Track Day

Waterford Hills

About this event

Waterford Hills Presents the 2023 TRACK RAT Open Track Day

Our core group of Track Rats come from all over the country to enjoy this special day before the Woodward Dream Cruise.  This event is dedicated to the memory of Scot Chapman.   This OTD was founded by Scot years ago while working for Roush.   He was an avid driver and did everything he could to keep this day going even after Roush pulled their sponsorship.  His efforts and encoragment exposed many drivers to the wonders of Open Track Day driving.  He was responsible for getting key volunteers involved with the track - if not for him we would probably still be waiting on the repaving of the track!   

Come spend the day with one of the best groups of drivers around!   All makes and models welcomed and appreciated!   We know how to have fun with our cars!

NOTICE: Effective 7/21/2021 Participation of Electric vehicles has been suspended until WHRRI obtains specialized equipment to deal with Electric Vehicle emergencies.


This is your chance to drive YOUR vehicle on a REAL Road Course!


Our annual "Woodward" track day occurs the day before the famous Dream Cruise.   This event welcomes drivers and vehicles from all over the United States.    Waterford Hills is only a few miles from the northern end of Woodward Avenue located in Clarkston, Mi.     

Drivers are separated into run groups based on experience.     You'll have multiple sessions with plenty of track and cool down time.   Our regular drivers love to share their knowledge to help you improve your skills.  That, along with the experienced Waterford Hills staff monitoring drivers and conditions make this a Great track day for first timers as well as the hard core High Performance Driving Enthusiasts.  

First time?   Contact and ask for the Open Track Day Driver's manual.  It's got all the procedures along with tips and tricks for a fun track day!

Fantasy Trans Am Race - Have a vintage car you'd like to bring out but don't want to race it?    We have a Fantasy Trans Am race where we line up vintage track cars with show vehicles from the same era and run a few low speed pace laps.   It's a lot of fun and we usually swap out the lead car so you can get a great photo op.  Best of all - if you're not running the hot laps, it only costs gate admission to get in and tour the track.   No registration required for pace laps! 


Online Payment/Pre-Pay:

    • Early Registration $180.00
    • On or After 1/1/2024   $200.00
    • Day Of Event $220.00

*Space is limited to 36 drivers - your spot is not reserved until payment is received*

Registration on site will be available for the remaining spots.  All spots are first come - first served.


  • This event runs RAIN or SHINE.
  • This event is approved for track day insurance.  Additional vehicle coverage may be purchased through Hagerty


Typical Event

  • Events start at 7:00am for registration and tech inspections.
  • 9:30am driver's meeting and novice instruction
  • Vehicles on course at 10:30am
  • Lunch ~12:30
  • Track secured at 5:00pm.

How do we make up the run groups?

  • We usually have 4 run groups made up of 9 drivers
  • Each group is scheduled to get 4 sessions during the day
  • Each session will be ~15 to 20 minutes
  • Drivers are split up into groups based on experience.

What kind of equipment do I need?

  • A vehicle that can pass a basic safety inspection (Contact me about restrictions on convertibles, open wheel, Truck, SUV and Hybrids)
  • Recommend using vehicles with manual transmissions
  • A SNELL rated helmet  that’s 2010 or newer (We have rental helmets available at the track if you don't have one)
  • No special tires are required!

I'm new to this!

  • Everyone was new at one point!
  • We have basic instruction in the morning
  • Track day people are Awesome!  Pretty much anyone at the track will be happy to help, or come find me and I'll introduce you to an experienced driver
  • I've been collecting lots of information and posting it in our forums… check it out here: OTD Primer 
  • Send me an email and I'll get any other questions answered ASAP! (


How do I rank myself for registration?

  • I double check your experience levels during the registration process.
  • If you have a question, note it in the "Notes to Organizer" on the entry form.  I do read them!
  • Unsure of your skill level - start out as a Novice (HPDE-1) and email me to tell me what your experience is - we'll get you in the right group!
  • Use the table below to help you figure it out:


Event Class Descriptions




  • This group is for people that are new to OTD/HPDEs
  • You are learning the flags, hand signals and track etiquette
  • You are new to driving on a road course, and are also learning how to navigate the track.
  • You are primarily  focused on your driving and performance.
  • You are learning to expand your focus to the Corner Marshals
  • You are reliant on Corner Marshals to let you know someone wants to pass.



  • Some experience - you have successfully completed 2-3 track days either here or at other tracks.
  • You are familiar with all of the flags and hand signals.
  • You are comfortable at speed on the track but still working on your line
  • You are gaining experience and comfort with passing on long straights.
  • Your focus is expanding to include drivers behind you
  • You are less reliant on Corner Marshals letting you know someone wants to pass
  • You know what an "Apex" is.


  • You have multiple track days here or at other tracks
  • You know the flags and hand signals well enough to give a speech on them
  • You have experienced the limits of traction, and have some experience how to resume control
  • You are highly aware of all driver and Corner Marshal activity around you
  • You are genuinely surprised if a Corner Marshal has indicated a driver wants to pass and you were not aware of it.
  • You are learning how to execute passes on low speed turns


  • You measure your OTD/HPDE experience by "Seasons"
  • You are comfortable passing/being passed at any point on this track
  • You are embarrassed if a Corner Marshal shows you a passing flag and you didn't already have the passing zone picked out
  • You are capable of teaching flags and hand signals to a small group of people that do not speak your language.
  • Tires and brake pads have long ago become a known "expense" that is included in your household budget
  • You share knowledge with novice drivers on how to get started and improve their performance


  • Licenses issued by SCCA, NASA or other major sanctioning bodies are required to run in this class.
  • This class has open passing


Event requirements

Click here to view the event requirements.

Click here for additional information.

Entries (38)

Nicholas Raffin
Brian West
Cristy Lee
Fernando Lazcano
James White
Laura Hameyer
Daniel Steiner
Joseph Stevenson

Waterford Hills

Clarkston, MI
Download track map
Download track map


Open Track organized by

Waterford Hills

Event over!