About this event

No cones, no course work, just RACING! TRACKSPRINT!!!

Join Tri-State Sports Car Council for some fun, timed runs at Autobahn Country Club! 

Important COVID-19 note: If for any reason we are unable to hold this event and we (TSSCC and/or Autobahn CC) have to cancel it (for example: extension of the “Shelter in Place” order), your credit card will not be charged. 

This is the first TrackSprint in our four event TrackSprint series for 2020. We will be utilizing 3/4 of the course for a time attack unlike any other event. Just you and your ride against the clock. No passing allowed, no wheel to wheel. Cars will be spaced at minimum intervals to get you maximum seat time. Catch up to the car ahead, no sweat we will get you a rerun (if time allows in later heats). No transponders or fancy equipment needed.

This is run similar to an autox while being nowhere near as hard on your equipment. You will leave pit lane from a standing start when directed by the starter and attack the course. After turn six you will be tripping the finish timer, there will be a short cool down portion of the track remaining before you enter pit lane to restage for your next run. We start with three runs for each run group and evaluate total run count based on time remaining after everyone has 3 runs in the books. 

Driver check in starts at 10:00 AM with tech sheets due and helmets ready to be inspected. We do not offer vehicle technical inspection, we only verify. We do have about a dozen loaner helmets available free of charge.

No instructors are offered. Novices are encouraged to ride with advance and intermediate group drivers in the run groups prior to their own. Spectators and crew are welcome free of charge, but the only registered competitors are allowed as passengers on course.

There will be a mandatory drivers meeting with in depth instructions on track etiquette at 12:00 PM SHARP. Any competitors found not in attendance will be asked to leave, no refunds, no exceptions. Information given at the meeting is crucial to EVERYONE. 

Please watch for updates to the event-day schedule. Plan to arrive early enough to check in with registration and get your car ready (remove loose items, change tires, etc.) to roll so you can be on time for the drivers meeting. Concessions will not be open so plan accordingly.

  • 10:00 AM - On-site registration check in opens
  • 11:30 AM - Advance run group staging begins
  • 12:30 PM - Course goes HOT Advance run group first
  • 3:30 PM - Course closed
  • 3:40 PM (Approximately) - Trophy Presentation

SCCA membership is required for this event. If you are not a member already, use the event for non-SCCA members, which includes the $15 weekend membership fee. This $15 can be applied toward an annual SCCA membership. Non-members will need to fill out the weekend membership form on-site. Members will need to show your membership card at the event; if you do not, you will need to pay for a weekend membership on-site.

Event Fees

$100 event fee

There is an additional $20 on-site registration fee the day of the event.


$5 TSSCC member
$20 early registration (before Wed, May 6)

TSSCC will be using SCCA Time Trial rules for this event. Please take the time to figure out which class your car belongs in prior to registering. Contact the registration team with any remaining questions.

Are you new? 

  • Arrive on Autobahn property and stop at main building and sign waiver.
  • Proceed to registration, all people in attendance must additionally sign TSSCC waiver.
  • Return to car, make car race ready and proceed to drivers meeting.
  • We run rain or shine in all kinds of temperatures. However, the event will be temporarily suspended while lightning is observed in the immediate area. Please bring appropriate rain/cold/hot/sunny weather gear. Make sure you also bring something to cover and/or secure your gear while it is not in your car (plastic garbage bags or a tarp).

Event requirements


ALL vehicles must be inspected prior to arriving on-site. This will be your responsibility. Safety will be our top priority. The Tech Form can be found on the TSSCC website.

TSSCC will be using SCCA Time Trial rules for this event. Open wheel and mod cars will not be permitted. 

Of note:

Convertibles: It is highly recommended that all convertible vehicles be equipped with an aftermarket roll bar that meets or exceeds the standards set in the SCCA HILL CLIMB Safety Standards. However, TRACK EVENT Safety Standards requires the vehicle meets at least one of the following criteria and is not subject to any of the below exceptions:

  1. The vehicle is equipped with an aftermarket roll bar that meets or exceeds the standards set in the SCCA HILL CLIMB Safety Standards.
  2. The vehicle is equipped with documented factory installed roll over protection (examples of manufacture documented roll over protection would include hydroformed and reinforced a-pillars or windshield frames and factory installed roll bars and/or “popup” bars that are designated as roll over protection.
  3. The Vehicle is a 2006-year model or newer.

Convertible Exceptions: In addition, vehicles that were manufactured since 2006 that fall into any of the below categories must meet the criteria stated above for factory or aftermarket roll over protection:

  1. Vehicles equipped with factory V8 or forced induction engine
  2. Vehicles modified meaningfully beyond the factory performance potential (examples: engine swaps, aftermarket forced induction)

Note: Targa and T-Top vehicles are classified as "hard tops" and do not have to meet the terms and conditions of the convertible policy

TSSCC reserves the right to refuse any entry for any reason.


  • Sign the waiver at the gate as you enter the site.
  • Check in at the pre-registration line and sign the waiver. You and your guests MUST sign both waivers!
  • If changes need to be made to your personal information or car information, you must do so at Registration to update your information BEFORE the drivers meeting.


  • Registration closes 10 minutes before driver's meeting to give workers time to prepare their cars and get everyone into the computer. If you have not completed your registration by then, you will not be able to participate.
  • You must be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license to enter. All entrants and guests MUST sign the waiver.
  • You will hand your driver’s license and tech sheet to the registrar.
  • After checking you in and returning your driver’s license, the registrar will input your information into the computer. From there, you will need to head to the driver's meeting. 

Autobahn Country Club

Joliet, IL
Download track map
Download track map
Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap


Time Trial organized by

SCCA - Chicago Region - Tri-State Sports Car Council

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Event Cancelled!