About this event
Teen Car Control Clinic Sponsored by
***Students/Parents - Note that our event is currently FULL. You are encouraged to continue the sign-up process which will put you on a waitlist. You will be contacted immediately should a spot open up. You do not need to pay when you are on a waitlist. Sorry for any inconvenience!***
Are you concerned whether commercial driver’s education courses are enough to keep your teen driver safe on the roads?
A Commercial driver’s education course teaches the principles of road awareness and safety for prospective first-time drivers. Courses generally cover what we call the basics: Road signs and what they mean, principles of being a safe and responsible driver, how to operate a motor vehicle, traffic laws, and theoretically how to handle those emergency situations.
But did drivers who attended such a course get the experience necessary to know how quickly they can safely stop their vehicle? Or how wet roads or going off-road, such as swerving onto the shoulder of the highway, can affect driving dynamics?
We take things a bit further.
For over two decades, the Glacier Lakes Chapter of Audi Club North America (ACNA) has taught hundreds of individuals to become better, safer, and more confident drivers. Our Car Control Clinics are the perfect place for teen or adult drivers to have fun while improving their driving skills.
Our one-day program combines classroom sessions with behind-the-wheel exercises. Drivers learn how to handle their car in various driving conditions and situations while receiving coaching and encouragement from their trained instructor sitting in the passenger seat. From slalom and skid pad exercises to braking and accident avoidance, we’ll teach your teen in one day skills that were not taught or practiced in the standard Driver’s Education class.
Our Teen Car Control Clinic is the perfect place for teen drivers to have fun, improve their driving skills, and build confidence practicing in a group of their peers. Teen Clinics focus on drivers 15-19 years of age with a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit. They’ll spend time in the classroom learning about things like how vehicles react under acceleration and braking, what a ‘contact patch’ is, and why it’s important. Then they’ll head out to the closed driving course with a trained instructor in their passenger seat to apply the things they discussed in the classroom. Parents/Guardians have the opportunity to sit in on the classroom portions, and to observe their teen in action on the course as they support the program by helping to reset course cones when needed.
Our Car Control Clinic Goals are to:
- Improve overall awareness of driving position and its effect on the ability to control a vehicle
- Educate on the physics that affects car handling and how to use physics to advantage
- Improve ability to control a vehicle in all weather conditions
- Improve ability to control a vehicle in both normal and emergency driving situations
Drivers find the exercises both fun and tough—they’re designed to teach drivers how both they and their car react in various conditions.
- ACNA Members: $159
- Teens can qualify for membership-pricing if their parent or legal guardian is an ACNA Member. (Not yet a member? Sign up here!)
- Non-members: $189
- Clinics begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and conclude by 4:30 p.m. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to complete check-in and get settled.
- A light breakfast, lunch and beverages are provided for all attendees including parents of students
- Lunch sponsored by Nur Technik. Nür Technik is constantly growing and striving to be the best German repair shop in Minnesota. Visit their facility in Burnsville, MN or give them a call to learn more!
- Clinics are held at Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) in Rosemount, MN.
- Instruction on where to meet in the morning will be provided in an email sent a few days prior to the event.
Looking for more information?
- Audi Club Glacier Lakes (ACGL) Teen Car Control Clinic Video
- Clinic Testimonials
- What_to_expect_Car_Control_Clinic
- Contact us at events@audiclubglacierlakes.org
Class size is limited and spots fill quickly. Early registration is recommended!
Event requirements
Driver Requirements
- Drivers must be at least 15 years of age with a valid learner’s permit or driver’s license
- For Drivers under 18 years, their parent or legal guardian must be onsite for the event.
- Participants 18 years of age or older are encouraged to be Audi Club North America (ACNA) Members. To join or renew, visit the ACNA website at ACNA Membership
- Drivers must bring their valid driver’s license or permit
- Dress for the weather and comfort; Drivers will often be in and out of vehicles.
- Drivers must wear closed-toe shoes such as sneakers. Sandals, open-toe shoes, and heavy boots are not permitted.
Vehicle Requirements
- Participants must provide their own vehicle.
- The vehicle must be in good running order including tires, brakes, fluids, lights, and other essentials. No leaking fluids!
- State-mandated insurance coverage must be in effect.
- Most makes and models are accepted provided they meet minimum club safety standards. High-center-of-gravity vehicles (SUVs, CUVs, SAVs, trucks, vans) must possess a minimum four-star rollover rating. (See NHTSA ratings page.) Final determinations of a vehicle’s acceptability will be determined by the Event Master.
- If you have any doubts regarding vehicle acceptability, contact the event organizers (email: events@audiclubglacierlakes.org)
Parents/ Legal Guardians – a few notes for you:
- You must be on-site for the duration of the day if your student is under 18 years old.
- Your volunteer services will be needed at the event. Students knock over and run over cones during the on-track exercises and we need your help to set back up. This allows instructors to stay in the car and increase the amount of coaching and practice your student gets. Prepare to be trackside while your student is participating in exercises - sunscreen and caps recommended! Please wear shoes that can get wet – a good portion of our exercises are in the flooded paddock!
- You must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer at this event. No one under 18 is allowed at the event except for registered students.
*Over 19 years old and interested in participating as a student?
Our Teen Drivers Clinics are designed to provide new drivers with the skills they need to be safer on the road, so we focus on our 15-19 year-old drivers. We are also offer Adult Car Control Clinics. Please inquire at events@audiclubglacierlakes.org with any questions. Participants 18 years of age or older are encouraged to be Audi Club North America (ACNA) Members. To join or renew, visit the ACNA website at ACNA Membership
Questions? Please use the "Contact Host" feature on this site, or send an email to events@audiclubglacierlakes.org.