Sun, Oct 15, 2023

TAC/TVR Autocross Event 9 (tour scoring)

Milton Frank Stadium

About this event

2023 Twickenham Auto Club (TAC) and Tennessee Valley Region SCCA (TVR) Joint Autocross Championship Series
  • You are invited to participate in TAC/TVR's joint autocross series. Autocross is a timed competition through a road course marked with cones. Your single fastest run is used to determine your position. Your car will be classed with similar cars to keep competition fair and with an emphasis on improving driving skill. If you are not quite ready to drive, you are welcome to stop by and ask for a ride-a-long. We have many expert drivers willing to help you get started. All experience levels welcome.
New Payment Process - Starting May 20, 2023 (Event 5 and on)
  • Starting May 2023, we will start collecting payment AT THE EVENT during check-in.
  • Please bring your credit card (preferred) or cash to the event. No checks.
  • If you no-show or late-cancel (after Wednesday's), you will be charged the $10 fee by motorsportreg.
    • If you cancel on-time, you will not be charged.
Registration & Cancellation
  • 125 driver entry cap. Please sign up early. 
  • Registration closes Wednesday prior at 11:59 PM. Must register online, no walkups. [NEW FOR 2023]
  • Cancel before registration closes – full refund.
  • Cancel after registration closes – $10 cancellation fee.
  • Registration changes can be made by attendees until registration is closed. If you have a class change after registration closes, please contact the Event Organizer.
Action Required
  • $55 - TAC or TVR member
  • $65 - Weekend TAC member

Our prices have increased in 2023. This increase will position the club to be able to take action for future projects that involve site improvements, large pavement projects, light pole relocation and new site acquisition.

  • 6:30 AM   |  Event Setup Begins
    7:45 AM   |  Tech & Check-in Opens (Recommended arrival between 7:15 - 7:45 AM)
    8:15 AM   |  Course Open for Walking
    8:30 AM   |  Tech & Check-in Closes (You must check-in before this time)
    8:45 AM    |  Novice Walk-thru
    9:15 AM    |  Mandatory Driver's Meeting
    9:30 AM    |  Run Group 1 (first car off)
    *11:30 AM |  Run Group 2
    *12:45 PM |  Lunch Break (45 minutes)
    *1:30 PM   |  Run Group 1
    *3:00 PM   |  Run Group 2
    *4:30 PM   |  Cleanup and Trophy Presentation
    5:30 PM    |  Must be off site
    *Approximate - listen for announcements during the event
Run Groups and Course Working
  • Efficiency is a priority at our events, we typically use a "2 Run Group" format and get 6-8 runs.
  • If you participate in this event, you must also work the course, both in the morning and in the afternoon. We do not allow half days.
  • Skipping your work assignment is not fair to everyone else and causes hardship to event organizers. 
  • If you have a special situation (e.g. injury or physical limitation, not a football game) which would prevent you from working, let us know on the registration form, look for "Special Requests".
Championship Series Points
  • The Championship Series will determine the most consistently outstanding drivers for the year for each class, Top 10 PAX, and Top 10 RAW. 
  • To win a class championship you:
  1. Must be a member (TAC or TVR).
  2. Must compete in more than half of the points events (6 or more for 2023).
  3. Must have at least 36 points (with a 12 event season). 
    • For any event you where you are the only car in class (e.g. where ran by yourself), you will be awarded 1 point. If you are in a low attended class, we would encourage you to check out CAM, Race Tire, XS-A, XS-B, or Pro. If this negatively impacts you, please shoot us an email. For more details, check out section 6 of the TAC rules linked below.
New Drivers (Novices) and the Herb Aderholdt Novice Championship
  • New drivers are welcome! The optional Novice (N) class is intended for first-year autocrossers. If you have run 5 or less events prior to January 2023, you're eligible to run Novice Class all year. At each event, we also provide a Novice Walk-thru where a veteran autocrosser will go over the basics. Entering the Novice class is not a restriction, however it will allow you to get extra help if desired. To enter, select the "Novice" class during registration.
  • Novice class drivers will be able to qualify for our year-end Novice Championship event. The Novice Championship winner will receive a free Season Pass for the following season. Details about how to win will be posted here: (will be updated for 2023 mid-season)
  • Helpful novice guide from a neighboring club:
Rules and Car Classing
  • Do not attend if you are or have been sick in the past 7 days.
  • Do not attend if you have been in close contact with someone (e.g. household member) who has been sick in the past 7 days.


Event requirements

  • We have a strict sound policy, due to our residential location and agreement with the Milton Frank Stadium owners. Your car must not be louder than 96 dB without exception. Sound will be monitored approximately 50 feet from the course. The type of exhaust (stock vs aftermarket) is not restricted, but it must not exceed 96 dB. If your car exceeds 96 dB on a run, you will be notified, the run will be scored as a DNF, and not allowed to run again. If you show that a modification has been made to reduce noise (driving at half throttle does not count), then you will be allowed to run again. If your car exceeds the limit a second time, you will not be allowed to run for the rest of the day. We want EVERYONE to have a great day autocrossing, please make this easy by fixing your car before the event!
Classing and "Being Legal"
Scooters (and similar)
  • Scooters can be "Walked" anywhere.
  • Scooters (and similar) should not be "Ridden" on course walks.
  • Scooters should not be "Ridden" anywhere considered to be "Hot areas" (e.g. any place helmeted drivers are driving).
  • Early course setup workers and event organizers may drive scooters on course, but only for purposes outside of course walking.
  • This policy is subject to change.

Entries (118)

Steven Hickey
Chandler Reynolds
Cameron McNeal
Matthew Elmore
Daniel Lambert
Stephen Tyszka
Collin Adair
Michelle Rhode

Milton Frank Stadium

Huntsville, AL


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Tennessee Valley Region - Solo

Event over!