About this event
Porsche Club Swap Meet and Open House
12:00 pm to 3:00pm Sunday April 16
Location: JML Audio of St. Louis
519 Rudder Rd Suite A
Fenton, MO 63026
Catered food by Viviano’s compliments of our local chapter
The St. Louis Region Porsche Club is inviting you to join us for your chance to Sell (or Buy)
previously enjoyed Porsche parts… wheels…..memorabilia…posters….pictures…seats…floor
mats…any Porsche related items you have taking up space in your garage….home…. office…
Perfect for cleaning up your space while putting a couple dollars in your pocket.
Items sold must be Porsche related – no hazardous materials please
Sellers- Please bring a folding table and chair to show and display your items. You may set up
beginning as early as 11:30am. Any unsold items please remove by 3:30pm
Buyers – All sales to take place from 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Make your significant other happy while gaining space in your home or office.
Register now for a fun event!