Tue, Mar 21, 2023

PCA Sim Racing Introduction

VIR Meeting Online

About this event

Zoom Presentation: PCA Sim Racing Introduction

Tuesday March 21st 2023, 7pm   

Curious about PCA Sim Racing? Hear all about it from Chip Witt, Sim Racing National Steering Committee Driving Advisor and Zone Group Manager.

Chip has kindly agreed to give VIR members a primer on PCA Sim Racing. What it is, how it works, how you get started, what equipment you need.

Intended to embrace even the standing start beginner, as in "I don't play video games, but a low cost, low risk racing experience sounds like fun", Chip will walk us through the the basics.

This promises to be an interesting presentation, and will help VIR members decide if PCA Sim Racing is for them.

This is an online Zoom meeting, the link will be sent only to registered "attendees". Limited to 100 Zoom connections..

Event requirements

Must be a VIR or PCA member

Please ensure you have installed Zoom on your system BEFORE the meeting and your installation has the latest updates as they do change VERY frequently.

VIR Meeting Online

Victoria, BC


Tech Session organized by

PCA - Vancouver Island Region

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