HPDE organized by
PCA - Carolinas
Sun, Feb 5, 2023

Introduction to HPDE with Carolinas Region PCA

Carolina Motorsports Park

About this event

Curious to know more about the PCA HPDE program? Come join us for a fun time at Carolina Motorsports Park where we will provide an introductory overview of what the HPDE program is all about and answer all of your questions. Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm There is no charge for this seminar, and attendance as a first time participant will gain you a $100 discount on your first DE in 2023! Direct link to register: https://clubregistration.net/events/signUp.cfm/event/13000

Carolina Motorsports Park

Kershaw, SC
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HPDE organized by

PCA - Carolinas