About this event
This event is an Endurance Autocross Event. You will make 4 consecutive laps of the autocross course, with the fastest TOTAL time declared the winner (plus normal autocross penalty times added) There is a money prize to the top 5 competitors. There will be our annual BBQ after the race. It is a Pot Luck with the club helping to provide the meat entrees. Contact merrymanjsm@gmail.com for more information
VOA, Washington Members and Paid Associate Members = $50
All others = $60
No motorcycle helmets allowed
Event requirements
This event is an Endurance Autocross Event. You will make 4 consecutive laps of the autocross course, with the fastest TOTAL time declared the winner (plus normal autocross penalty times added) There is a money prize to the top 5 competitors.
National VOA, Washington Club Members and Paid Associate Members = $50
All others = $60
No motorcycle helmets allowed