Sat, Nov 16 - Sun, Nov 17, 2019

CFR SCCA Solo 2019 Florida State Championship

Buckingham Airfield

About this event

CFR SCCA Solo 2019 Florida State Championships

Event Date:                            November 16th and 17th

Registration Closure:             7:00 PM on November 14th (Thursday)

Event CAP:                            180 Maximum Total Participants

Saturday Fee for Members:   $45

Sunday Fee for Members:     $60

Combined Sat+Sun Fee:       $100

Direct All Inquiries Regarding This Event to 

This event will be held on the grippy concrete runway at Buckingham Airfield where SCCA Solo National events have been held in the past. The Saturday event is a Practice day and the Sunday event will be the 2019 Florida State Championships. Sunday will also count as a CFR Solo Points Event. Event trophies for each class will be awarded and class championship points will be accrued on Sunday. A special event to crown the "Florida State Autocross Champ" will be held Sunday after regular class competition (time permitting).

The first 100 people to register will receive a vacuum-insulated metal tumbler with the 2019 Florida State Championships Logo.

IMPORTANT: All participants must check in with timing prior to 8:45 AM at the site. Registration closes at 8:45 AM, and check-in after that time may not be allowed as it potentially delays the overall event.  Late check-in will always result in a late fee. 

There will be a food vendor (TBD) on site for lunch. Waters are available for free.

Event Officials:

Event Chair: Nick Dunlap Chief Safety Steward: Scott Swartz
Registration Chair: Dave Welsh Trophy Chief:  Steve Marcum
Youth Steward: TBD Waiver Chief: TBD
Timing Chair: Nick Dunlap Workers Chief: TBD






  • 8:00 am - 8:30 am - Arrive at Site
  • 8:15 am - 9:15 am - Check-In / Registration 
  • 8:15 am - 9:15 am - Tech Inspection
  • 8:45 am - 9:30 am - Course Open for Walking 
  • 9:30 am - Driver’s Meeting
  • 9:45 am - Heat 1 cars to grid and worker check in
  • 10:00 am - 3:30pm (approx.) - Competition

Site Location:
Buckingham Airfield

GPS Address:
3987 Sunset Road
Lehigh Acres, FL  33971

What to Bring:

  • Valid Driver's License (or permit)
  • Non-Members, get your Weekend SCCA membership when you register on
  • Minors (under 18), bring a completed minor waiver, see details below
  • WATER (it can get hot!)
  • Lunch if you don't want to use the on site vendor

Registration and Payment Policy:

To keep our prices as low as we can, and to improve the starting time for our events, we require pre-registration and pre-payment for all Drivers at all Events

Important: With our new system, your credit card will be authorized at the time of registration but will only be charged after the event has completed.  If you cancel your registration by closure of registration on, (7:00 PM the Thursday before the event), your credit card will not be charged for the event. If you try to cancel after that time, or if you do not show up on the morning of the event, your credit card will be charged a fee of $20.


  • $45 Entry Fee for Saturday, $60 for Sunday or $100 for both days ($5 discount)
  • $10 SCCA Weekend Membership fee for non SCCA Members
  • $10 Late Fee if you check in late on the day of the event
  • $20 Fee will be charged if you cancel after registration closure or do not show on the day of the event

Trophies will be awarded per the SCCA Solo National Championships Formula. Any classes with less than 3 participants will be moved to the appropriate index class as described below. 
2 trophies for 4-6 people in class
3 trophies for 7-9 people in class
one additional award for every 4 additional people or fraction thereof (e.g. 6 awards for 18 competitors)

Index Classes:
Any classes that have less than 3 participants at the closure of on-site registration check-in will be placed into an index class. Trophies for the index class will follow the above trophy formula. There will be 3 index classes. One for street, one for street touring, and another for everyone else. If an index class contains less than 3 people we will combine index classes until they all have 3 or more participants (or they can no longer be further combined).

Crowning a Florida State Champ (Time Permitting):
After the conclusion of Class competition on Sunday the top (TBD) competitors from each heat will grid for the "Champion Challenge". Each competitor will make 2 runs and then be ranked on index based on the competitors fastest of the two runs. The top half of the field will move on to the next round. In subsequent rounds competitors will make a single run and the top half of the field will advance. In the final round when there are only two competitors remaining they will each make 2 runs and the competitor with the fastest pax index time of their two runs will be crowned the Florida State Champ. The winner of the Champion Challenge will not pay for their Sunday entry fee and places 1-3 in the challenge will receive a unique Florida State Championships trophy.

Event requirements



  • CHECK-IN WITH REGISTRATION: DO THIS AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE AT THE SITE! Even though you are pre-registered, you must still check-in on the morning of each day of the event. Registration will be open by 8:00 AM at the latest; usually earlier.
  • WORK ASSIGNMENTS: ALL SOLO COMPETITORS MUST WORK. Without help from everyone, we cannot hold these events!
    • Check-in with the worker chief and go to your work assignment area promptly before the beginning of your assigned work heat.
    • Final Run/Work heats and work assignments will be announced and published during the on-site drivers’ meeting and will be announced at that meeting. Do not ask the registrar when you are running or what your work assignment is prior to that, as they don't know until every participant has checked in.
    • If you do not work your work assignment, you will be disqualified from the event.
    • If you do not work your work assignment at multiple events, you will be banned from future participation with CFR SCCA Solo.
    • Solo events occur whether it’s raining or shining.
    • Solo events will be suspended while lightning is in the immediate area, at which time participants and guests should shelter in a car or nearby building.
    • Extreme weather conditions may cause an event to be suspended or sometimes canceled, depending on the expected duration.
    • If an event is canceled, and you have not made any competition runs, you will not be charged an event fee. Unfortunately, if you have made any competition runs, we must still charge an event fee.


  • It is best to arrive no later than 8:15 AM to give yourself time to Check-In, get your car Tech Inspected, and to walk the course one or more times.
  • Depending on several factors, the registrar may or may not allow registration or check-in after registration is closed (9:15 AM). If the registrar allows late registration/check-in, a $10 late fee will be imposed.


  • Only select Solo Safety Steward if you are a current holder of an SCCA SSS License.
  • Only select any waiver position if you have an annual (or greater) SCCA membership.
  • All work assignment selections are considered REQUESTS. All attempts will be made to honor your requested work assignment; however, we must balance the personnel available per heat based on the class groupings per heat.
  • Special needs should be communicated early (two or three days prior to the event) via an email to with the event name and “Work - Special Request” in the subject line.
    • Special need examples include, but are not limited to:
      • An ailment that prevents you from replacing cones.
      • An ailment that prevents you from standing for the duration of a heat (a heat is typically an hour and a half).
      • A personal need that requires you to leave the event early.
    • Permanent special needs (i.e., arthritis, other physical impairments) once established with the event organizers need not be recommunicated for each event.
    • Not including the legitimate permanent special needs, Special Requests should only be requested under rare situations, as it greatly increases the difficulty of doing run/work orders and worker assignments with many Special Requests.

MINOR POLICY (under 18 years old)

  • Minor - Competitors and/or Passengers Only - must have a properly signed and witnessed SCCA Minor Waiver.
    • On-File – CFR SCCA minor waiver already turned in for the current calendar year.
    • Brought to Site - Florida Minor Waiver 1895 - NOTARY VERSION, must be printed in color, signed by BOTH parents, and witnessed by a Licensed Notary Public.
    • At Site – A Florida Minor Waiver 1895 – SCCA Official Version must be signed by BOTH parents, and witnessed by an SCCA Official.
    • NOTE: If a parent has sole custody, in addition to filling out Form 1895, he must sign an Affidavit of Sole Custody which must be witnessed by a Notary or by an SCCA Official.
    • Minors under the age of 16 who have a properly signed and witnessed Minor Waiver are allowed in "Hot Areas" ONLY during their competition runs or if they are riding as a passenger.
  • Minor passengers must be 12 years or older, OR 57” or taller.
    • SCCA Minor Waiver is required.
    • Membership is required (can be a “Weekend Membership” which is free for passengers).

Junior Driver Policy

  • At this site, CFR SCCA supports the SCCA Junior Driver Program for JA (12-18 years old) and JB (8-12 years old). CFR SCCA does not currently support JC (5-8 years old).
  • All Junior Drivers (Unlicensed karters older than 8 and less than 18 years old) must be pre-approved by CFR SCCA in order to participate.
  • For new Junior Kart participants, the parent MUST send an email to that includes the karter's name, age, and level of experience, as well as a complete description of the Kart. This can be a description of the driver's past events, or training within a kart if they have never participated in an event. If you have not done this step PRIOR to the event, the karter MAY NOT BE PERMITTED TO DRIVE.
  • Also, refer to all of the following information SCCA Junior Driver Programming.
    • In the above linked materials, please note that Junior Driver karts must be legal for the class the driver is running in (JA or JB),
    • Also, the Kart must meet all of the safety items identified.


  • All vehicles must pass technical inspection which includes but is not limited to:
    • Tires are not damaged and do not show cord.
    • Wheels are secure with all lug nuts present and properly torqued.
    • Battery is secure.
    • Body panels are secure.
    • Brakes work with firm pedal.
    • No loose items are present in the car.
  • Vehicle must not be on the “Excluded from Street Category for reasons of Stability Per Section 3.1” list of the 2018 SCCA® National Solo® Rules.
  • For cars not specifically excluded on the above list, or specifically included in Appendix A, to be eligible, the vehicle must comply with the Stability requirements of Section 3.1 of the 2018 SCCA® National Solo® Rules.


  • To determine classing for a car within a category, see Appendix A of 2018 SCCA® National Solo® Rules. Or... just ask one of the event officials, and he/she will either help you determine your class, or point you to some other official that can do just that.
  • For modification allowances respective to each category, see Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of 2018 SCCA® National Solo® Rules, which define the classing categories, and the allowable modifications in each category.
    • Cars that are near stock will generally fall into Section 13 “Street Category”.
    • If you have modifications to your car, work down the sections from Section 13 to Section 19 to find the category that accommodates all of your car’s modifications.
  • CFR SCCA Solo also has a regional only class for highly prepped cars running on Street Tires, which is called Street Touring Other, “STO”. See the limited rules for this class at CFR SCCA Regional Class - STO.


  • All drivers must wear a SNELL 2005/2010/2015 (M or SA) approved helmet. Other European standards are also accepted. See 2018 SCCA® National Solo® Rules.
  • If you do not own a helmet, we have loaner helmets available in exchange for your Driver’s License as collateral.
    • Pick these up at the timing trailer/tent prior to the heat you will be running.
    • In rare cases of high demand for loaner helmets, it may be required that you share the helmet with other competitors, or to turn in the helmet between your runs.

Sound Policy

  • Our general sound policy will be the same as for SCCA Solo National events held at Buckingham Airfield. The general limit is 100 dBa (TBD) at 50 ft where the vehicle is expected to be at its loudest. See Appendix I of the 2018 SCCA® National Solo® Rules for details.
  • Note: Directional exhaust tips aimed laterally away from the sound measurement station DOES NOT constitute a viable remedy, although directional exhausts may be used to aim the exhaust straight up, straight down, or straight back.

X Class

X class will not be an official class for the Florida State Championships. For participants who would like to accrue X class points towards the CFR SCCA Solo year end championship points standings they should notify event organizers at the event on Sunday. After the event is over and awards have been given we will group the X class participants together to determine points for the end-of-year points championship.

STO Class

The STO Class, aka Street Touring Other, is a CFR Regional class that was created for those drivers who have modified their cars beyond street tire class eligibility, such as Street Modified, Street Prepared, or Prepared classes, but are still street legal, and would like to run on Street Tires instead of Slicks or R-Comp Tires. The rules for this class are somewhat limited and are defined in CFR STO Rules.

Special Considerations and Allowances

  • Course “Check Runs”
    • The course designer or other cognizant event official, is allowed/encouraged to make check runs of the course to look for safety issues, and course “visual” issues.
    • If the check-run driver is also a competitor, these runs should if reasonably possible be taken in a car dissimilar from the car the check-run driver will be competing in.
    • Check runs are necessary and specifically allowed. That is, no protests will be allowed against the check run driver for making these extra runs.
  • Passenger Ride-Alongs
    • To maintain the competitive balance, passenger ride-alongs will not be allowed at the 2019 Florida State Championships.
  • CFR SCCA Event Officials
    • Those participants doing work for the event that prevents or disrupts their normal competition timeline are given special allowances.
    • For instance, they can walk the course during the Driver’s Meeting.
    • They can make their runs in a different heat than their assigned run heat or even spread their runs across multiple heats if necessary.
    • In the interest of competitive fairness, it is expected that use of this “heat flexibility” privilege will only be used when necessary for accomplishing necessary event work, and never for the purpose of gaining any competitive advantage.

Entries (126)

Tristan James
Teddie Alexandrova
Bryan Heitkotter
Krista Minehart
Glen Minehart
Danielle Hemphill
Jeremiah Hemphill
Mike Straehley

Buckingham Airfield

Lehigh Acres, FL


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Central Florida Region - Solo

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Event over!