Sat, Feb 26, 2022

Cannon River Winter Winter Rally

Dan's Bar and Grill

About this event

The Cannon River Winter Rally is a Regularity Rally run in the Cannon River Valley. The course traverses the Valleys along the Cannon river taking advantage of the elevation changes and natural twisty roads in the valleys. 

No special equipment is needed other than a smart phone with built in GPS. A free app is available from your favorite app store. The app not only provides the timing but also provides a digital roadbook similar to the one used at Dakar in 2021 and 2022. The app also does all calculations for you so that you always know if you are on time. 

For those without a smartphone or their own navigation systems we have SmartControl devices to do the timing.

We suggest you use the Rabbit Rally app to run this event. It's a Rally Computer app that does all the work for you to stay on time.

Rabbit Rally Info

Start: Trophy House, New Trier MN (Next to Dan's Bar & Grill)
Ends: Rancho Loco, Cannon Falls, MN
Date: Feb 26, 2022.
Entry fee is $40/car. Anothe $10 for weekend membership if you are not an SCCA member
In-person sign-in starts at 3:00PM
Time: First car out at 4PM
Length: 3.5 hours, 122 miles

It is recommended that you have Winter rated tires. Most all season tires are not. We suggest you also bring standard winter travel items such as a blanket, boots, warm weather gear, etc in case you go off the road. 

Art 1 Organization

Land Of Lakes region, Sports Car Club of America.



Clarence Westberg


Clarence Westberg


Kate Westberg

TA Liaison

Liz Westberg


Kate Westberg


Liz Westberg


Art. 2 Description

The rally follows the international regularity format. Speed shall have no impact whatsoever on the classification. Regularity Zones (RZs) shall be set up where participants have to follow the established average speed and stay close to the ideal time throughout the route. Time penalties shall be handed down as points. The winner shall be the competitor with the fewest points at the end of the rally. The rally consists of 11 RZs. The details of the itinerary and the various controls shall be set out in the time card. 

All registration material will be either online or emailed to you so you can fill out before arrival. The exception is the SCCA waiver which we must witness.


A link to the pdf Roadbook will be sent the week prior to the event. YOU are responsible for printing your own Roadbook. If you can’t, let us know and we will print one for you.

Here is the link to the electronic roadbook. It must be downloaded from your smart device, not a computer. Once downloaded to your device it can be loaded into the Rabbit Rally app.

Digital Roadbook Link must be accessed with your device, not a laptop

PDF Roadbook Download and print if you want a printed Roadbook

Time Cards will be handed out at sign-in 

Art. 3 Contact

If you need assistance or have any questions

Phone or Text 952 381-2759

Art.4 Schedule








Publication of Regulations and Registration Opens




Publication of Roadbook card




& Waiver Signing

Henderson  RoadHaus





Henderson  RoadHaus



Scores final

Art 4.1 Breaks & Refueling

Fuel will be available along the route as indicated in the roadbook. Extra time will be included in the link for fueling and personal maintenance.

Art. 5. Rules & Sanction Exceptions

The rally will be run under the 2022 SCCA Road Rally Regulations and these Regulations. 

The Standard Calculation described in the RRRs will not be used as it does not compute correct times. Instead we use standard floating point math used by all computers.

For example 60/45mph * 3.000 miles = 4 minutes, not 3.9999 truncated.

Art. 6. Timing & Scoring

You will be timed to the .1 second. Scoring is .1 point per .1 second.

Max score for a Regularity Zone is 300

Max score for a CP is 300

The rally must be completed in no more than 4 hours. This includes any breaks and TAs. Your finish time will be recorded when you hand in your Timecard at the end. You will be penalized 10 points per minute late. No penalty for being early.

Scores will be available online  at this URL wherever you have cell coverage.

Art. 6.1 Time Cards/Delays/Timing Allowances (TAs)

A Time Card will be included in your packet. Enter the time you start each regularity (TC). Do not leave early. 

If you are delayed along the route, you can take a delay (TA). A space has been provided for you to enter a TA. Record the location and delay and turn it in at the endpoint.

There is no penalty for being early or late at a TC. There is no penalty for taking a TA.

Art. 7 Controls

Art. 7.1 Time Controls (TC)

Used to start or regroup the field. They are identified in the roadbook as TC. Your ideal time is specified in the Time Card. You may not leave early. The system will time you shortly after you depart and score you. Your score is based on the minute with seconds truncated. 60 points per minute early or late.

Art 7.2 Timing Points (CP)

The first CP is about .5 mile into the section and auto generated randomly about every 0.35 mile thereafter. CP will be removed if they fall into one of the following conditions.

  • The CP is within .05 mile of a Stop/Yield sign.
  • The CP is within .5 mile after a stop/yield sign. Could be longer if the speed is > 40 MPH
  • The CP is too close to a turn.
  • The CP is too close to a built up area.
  • A CP had accuracy of more than 3 meters
  • After every TC we will check for strange penalties on the good competitors and if something is strange for more than 2 competitors we check the CP Tracks page. If we find an irregularity, we will discard that Timing Point.

If a CP is missing from the expected location it’s because we removed it for one of the reasons mentioned above. Some CPs are located on twisty hills. You probably won’t zero them. You also won’t get a good score if you go off the road, be smart.

Art. 7.3 Radar Controls

Areas marked as Quiet in the roadbook may contain a radar control. A radar control is a secret control that checks your speed. If you exceed the speed limit by more than 10 MPH  you may be given the max score for a TC or disqualified if you are going Ludicrous speed. Speeding during a link is just plain stupid qs you aren’t being timed and have no reason to speed. You will get a DQ if you exceed the speed by more than 10 MPH during a Link.

Art 8 Regularity Zones (RZ)

The Regularity Zones are electronically recorded by MiRally. RZ start at TC. TC are shown in the Roadbook by a red clock icon and a TC number. You may not proceed past this point until your start time. Leaving early may result in you being off a minute at each TP. A Flag icon marks the end.

Starting Procedure 

All Controls are “Self start" at a specific point given in the Roadbook. The crew is autonomous and required to start at one minute and zero seconds. MiRally shall automatically record the start. Do not leave early if you want it to record the correct start time. In the event of a delay compared with the timing at the MiRally start, the crew shall intercalate themselves between two other crews. 

The Regularity Zone starting time becomes the starting time for the next sector. 


  • The Regularity Zones are located on public roads and must be covered at an average speed that may vary according to the nature of the terrain. Each Regularity Zone consists of a start, a finish and secret intermediate time checks. The first intermediate time check shall come at least 0.5 miles after the start.
  • Each Regularity Zone is between 2 and 10 miles long. 

Art. 9. MiRally GPS Timing System

Your times will be recorded using the MiRally SmartControl transponder.

Art 9.1 MiRally SmartControl

The MiRally SmartControl GPS transponders will be used to time contestants. It records your times without you needing to worry about app failure. It will be turned on and working when you get them. Mount them with a clear view to the sky. Velcro mounting strips are included.

The transponder will run a full day on battery. Data is sent via wifi at the breaks and endpoint or cellular when present.

Each transponder has a number. The number is used to associate you in the results.

Art. 10 Classes

E, L, S & G per the 2022 RRRs plus Class N. If your first rally is after 12/1/2021, select N.

Art. 11 Roads

Roads marked Dead End, No Outlet etc may or may not be shown in a Tulip but they are never used for travel.

Art 12. Course Measurement & Calibration

Article 12.1 Calibration

Car: Mazda CX-5  (all wheel drive)

Input: Rabbit GLO GPS

Factor: 0.62137 (standard KM to miles conversion)

Weather: Cloudy and 20’s


Article 12.2 References

Many references have been included in the roadbook so you can adjust your mileage along the route. If you are using Rally Rabbit, be sure the Auto Adjust by GPS position is set to on in the Rabbit Settings.

Mileages were taken at obvious signs. Sometimes a pin or dot  is shown to clarify. Mileages shown to the 0.001 can be used for adjustment.

Art 13. Following the Course (Roadbook)

To sum it up, do what the Roadbook tells you to do.

Art 13.1 Roadbook

  1. The Tulip system is well known to all competitors. Enter by the dot, leave by the arrow.
  2. The Tulip diagrams are sketches. Some corners or bends may be changed or ignored in order to provide a clearer representation of each junction.
  3. The junctions are not drawn to scale.
  4. When there is no tulip, you must continue to drive along the Principal road.

Art 13.2 Rally Format

There can be 3 types of stage in a roadbook: Link, Regularity and Neutral.

Link (L): A link is used to connect the start of the rally to the start of the first leg of regularity, and the end of one leg of regularity to the start of the next leg. They generally serve to pass through populations or busy areas where it would not be possible to maintain the regularity.

Regularity or Speed (S): These are the timed areas of regularity where we must be as regular as possible in order to get fewer penalties.

Neutral (N): These are untimed areas where you will be able to get some rest, food, go to the restroom, etc.

Art 13.3 Signs

There are many sign references. Don’t get picky, they are all mileaged. Quotation marks will not be used to denote that a sign is used.


Bring a mask.



Event requirements

You are responsible for insuring the following are in order:
Headlights (high and low beams) and parking lights
Taillights and brake lights
Horn, windshield wipers and directional signals
Rear-view mirror
Foot brakes and parking brake
Tires (inspect for condition of sidewalls as well as tread)
Seat belts, securely installed for the driver and navigator
Safety triangle (optional)
First Aid Kit (optional)
Tow Rope (optional)
Fire Extinguisher (optional)



Entries (12)

Adrian Cepoi
Ted Rurup
Gary Starr
Dave Fuss
Tim Winker
Sam Nogosek
Tyler Linner
Fred Rosevear

Dan's Bar and Grill

New Trier, MN


Road Rally organized by

SCCA - Land O' Lakes Region - Road Rally

Event over!