Sun, Dec 3, 2023

BRR-PCA Holiday Party & Annual Meeting

Vinton War Memorial

About this event


The Blue Ridge Region PCA is having a members’ Holiday Party and Annual Meeting on Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 4:30pm - 7:30pm.  We assure you that it will be mostly a party with a cash bar and a catered dinner.  Our President promises that very little time will be allotted to the Annual Meeting!  The event is being held at the Vinton War Memorial in Vinton, VA, which has been well received as the venue for past events.  And based on members' feedback we are also using the same caterer that did a great job last year.  This ought to be an event that you won't want to miss.

Event requirements

This will be a members' only event, and yes, that includes family members.  The modest attendee fee will partially offset the costs with the club picking up the balance.

Early Birds get a reduced attendee fee, which runs through October 31st. 

As in the past, its the time of year to consider how fortunate we are.  Optional donations are being solicited to support charities within our region.  Your generous contribution can be made during this online registration or you may bring a check or cash to the event.   Checks can be made out to the club (not tax deductible) or to any of our charities (tax deductible).  The specific charities are on the club website.

Want to make a donation, even though you wont be able to attend?  Just continue to "Register" and select zero as the number of attendees.

For those who prefer to pay the attendee fee with cash or check, just send a note to the registrar to make arrangements.

Hope to see you there!

Vinton War Memorial

Vinton, VA


Festival/Social organized by

PCA - Blue Ridge

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Event over!