About this event
All Blue Ridge Region PCA members are invited and encouraged to attend our Annual Planning Meeting on Sunday January 30, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. In addition to great food and socializing with other club members this event is where you can help us decide the types and number of events that we will conduct in 2022. All members' ideas for social, driving, charity events are more are welcome and needed. Attendees are also encouraged to let us know which events they are interested in attending. So ... come on out and help drive the direction and map our travels through 2022!
Yes we will consider the safety of holding each event as the dates draw near. But, we need to plan now so we are positioned to have events this year! It's easier to cancel an event than to try to pull together a happening at the last minute. So let's do this!
Event requirements
Come to socialize and engage in the discussion of possible events for 2022. Share your own ideas for Social Events (Cars N Coffee, dinners, picnics, group attendance at public events ...), Driving Events (Tours, Overnight Adventures, Rallies ...), Driving Skills Events (Autocross, High Performance Drivers Education, Tire Rack Street Survival) ... Lets get them on the list of things to do and the calendar now. The specifics will be worked out separately.
There is no club cost to attend this event, but members are responsible for their meals and beverages. Registration is limited to members of the Blue Ridge Region PCA and their family or guest. Be sure to go all the way through the form and click on the Complete Registration button!
This is a limited capacity event so register early. A waitlist will be maintained once the event fills to accommodate additional attendees as cancelations occur.