About this event
Join us to celebrate our much anticipated 40th Anniversary Celebration being held in style at the Vinton War Memorial. Though deferred from last year, we are looking forward to this celebration!
The celebration includes:
- Socializing with old friends and making new ones
- A members' car show
- An opportunity to donate to the BRR-PCA Charities
- Social Hour
- A cash bar
- Dinner - Catered and including some very delicious choices and yes dessert is included!
- Slide show from our history
- Mementos
- and more...
Registering early will get you the best deal and will let us know how many are committed.
A few more folks would be welcomed to help make the event successful! Ideas on the above items or new things are desired as well as people to complete the plans for any activity. Contact Gene Reed, Marc Wilson, or Reid Kuder if you can help. Lack of experience is not a concern!
Event requirements
With the goal to have a wonderful event, the Vinton War Memorial Ballroom was selected for its elegant facility as well as its location fairly central in our region. We have also chosen a caterer who is preparing a delightful menu with great options. And yes there will be adult beverages available for those interested. Add to that a great speaker, our wonderful members, and special guests/prior members. For sure, his will be a fun, exciting and first rate event.
Our 40th Anniversary is being celebrated on Sunday, October 17, 2021. Dress is business casual. Plan to arrive by 4:00pm or so to socialize, enjoy appetizers, and browse the cars and vote for your favorites. This will be followed by dinner a presentation, and a slide show of memories, which will take place in the ballroom. The timing was chosen to take advantage of daylight, the outdoor space, the nice fall weather (hopefully) yet, ending fairly early for travelers.
Whether you are a founding member, a long time member or even very new to the club, this is a must do event! Many of us will meet old friends and make new ones at this event!
Covid Precautions - All attendees are required to wear masks while indoors except when seated and are strongly encouraged to do so while outside. We will have an ample supply of masks and hand sanitizer on hand for all. The catering staff will be serving food to attendees as they go through the buffet line, so that the attendees aren’t touching the utensils. They will be wearing masks and gloves during the set up, serving, and clean up of the event. Tables which normally seat 8 will be limited to 6 with a number of tables availble to groups of 4 (dependant on final attendee count) to provide space for distancing.
The Blue Ridge Region PCA Board is pleased to provide the majority of the funding for the awesome event.
There will be a modest fee per attendee of $25 each for early registrants (offer is valid through September 25, 2021). After that period the fee will increase to $35 so sign up soon! Founding Members will be sent a discount code in recognition of their VIP standing with BRR-PCA.
Support our Charities - During registration you will be provided an opportunity to make a donation which will support the charities in our region. While we will be out having a great time with friends at a wonderful celebration many others are less fortunate. Consider sharing our blessings and help other by making a donation that will go to our charities.
Car show - Our car show provides an opportunity to show off, make a statement, or just have fun with your car no matter if it is concourse quality, a daily driver, a track car or a project car. Heck you can even enter a non-Porsche, such as those seen in members' garages and at region events! Depending on the entrants there may be several classes and chances to win a typical fine BRR-PCA award.
The car show is also a fund raiser for our charities. Monies raised by the modest entry fee as well as the voting will go 100% to our charities. Those wishing to enter their cars can do so for the modest entry fee of $5 per car. Yes its too cheap, but you can always make an additional donation to our charities!
Judging will be done as a "peoples choice" approach. Attendees will purchase tickets, which will be placed in a box as votes for the car(s) liked. You can place all your tickets (votes) on one car or split the votes across as many cars or classes as you like. We strongly encourage buying tickets at registration time as this will minimize work on site. Of course, tickets will be available at the event for purchase with cash or check only.
Car Show Ticket (Vote) Prices
Blue tickets $1 each = 1 vote.
Red tickets $10 each = 12 votes
Gold tickets $20 = 25 votes
Payments - Paying through this site accommodates using credit or debit card is easy and is favored by many members. Charges will be deferred until close to the event date. For those who rather pay by check or cash, send your contact information to specialevent@brr-pca.org.
Note: This is event is for Blue Ridge Region members and their family members and guests. Other special guests will be invited directly.