Sat, Oct 20, 2018

BMWCCA-GGC Autocross #7 - 10/20/2018

Marina Airport

About this event

Join the BMWCCA - Golden Gate Chapter for Autocross #7 at Marina Airport on Saturday October 20, 2018.

Photo Credit: Ratko Jagodic



Step 1
Visit the GGC Classification System to verify your existing classification, or to select a driver number and classify your car for your first 2018 event with us. Motorsportreg (MSR) is not connected to the GGC classification system. The GGC system is the keeper of the unique driver numbers and car data and every driver must have their own account, driver number, and car classification from the separate GGC system. As a convenience we maintain your permanent number in MSR, but you must first claim one from the GGC system. 

General information, forums, etc here:
Access the online classification system here:
Classification system FAQ here:
2018 Season Policies & Rules here:

WARNING: If you fail to complete this step before you register, you will be placed on hold until you do. We will not process your payment until we can verify your driver number and car classification and your spot is not guaranteed until we process your payment. If you do not classify before registration closes, or before it sells out, your registration will be automatically cancelled. Our events often sell out on the first day, sometimes within an hour, and occasionally in under an hour. To avoid missing out, take care of this in advance.

Step 2
Read ALL of the content in this event listing to make sure you understand the event requirements, including: event location, driver numbers/classifications, waivers, membership requirements, payments, cancellation policy, tech inspection checklist, timeline, helmet requirements, waitlist, and guest policy. Additional information will be provided in the confirmation e-mail you receive after signing up and even more will be sent after registration closes.

Step 3
BMWCCA membership is required to participate. If you're not an active member of BMWCCA, you will need to join or renew your membership. We prefer you do this yourself at, but if you like, you may tick the box later in the sign-up process and we'll take your money and pass it along to BMWCCA National on your behalf. Please make sure you understand the cancellation/refund policy described on the next page.

Step 4
We will charge your credit card to hold your spot. We see a fair amount of "declined by your bank" transactions each month, so please be certain your billing information is current. If we cannot charge you, we cannot guarantee a spot for you at this event. 

NOTE: We do not accept on-site signups. If you show up at the event without being registered here, you will not be allowed to participate.


  • LUNCH IS OPTIONAL. If you want us to order you a sandwich, be sure to make your selection on the registration page.
  • This event is private and for registered participants and accompanied guests only. No one will be permitted entry to the site after 08:15am.
  • Snell 2010 or newer certified helmets (M or SA) are required for all GGC autocross events. WE NO LONGER ACCEPT SNELL 2005 HELMETS. Check the sticker inside your helmet and make sure it is valid. If this is your first 2018 event with GGC, or you do not have a GGC inspection sticker on your helmet, we will need to inspect and sticker your helmet at check-in. We have a small number of loaners available if you need to borrow a helmet - no charge.
  • All cars are welcome and unlike our driving schools, stock convertibles are accepted - roll cages are not required. We do not allow SUV/SAV vehicles to participate, however. If you would like to participate and do not own a car, you may share a car with a friend.
  • Please check your individual insurance policy for coverage details with regards to participating at this event.
  • Staff will be on site around 7am to start course setup. Tech inspections will start around 7:30am. Registration will be open from 7:30-8:15am. A mandatory driver/guest meeting will start PROMPTLY at 8:30am. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY

Event Description

Our autocrosses are a competitive environment where a cone track is setup in a big parking lot or airfield. We put cars into classes based on a formula (considering weight, torque, modifications, and several other factors), and drivers compete against other cars within their class. Though there is an element of risk, hazards to participants and property are not expected to exceed those encountered in normal, legal highway driving. Due to the length of our courses we allow only one to two cars on the course at any one time (opposite sides). Cars race against the clock, not side-by-side.

We do not require previous high performance driver training or experience, but participation in a Car Control Clinic or similar training is highly recommended. First timers and inexperienced autorcrossers will be assigned a driver coach to ensure they get the most out of their autocross day.

No special car preparation is needed, in fact, we recommend you bring the car you drive on a daily basis. Doing so will give you a greater appreciation for your car's capabilities and improve your driving skills in the process.

Car classes are split into three run groups. Participants drive one session, work one session and have the other session off. Every participant (except those 65 or older) is given a work assignment which may include: course workers, trailer workers, start, finish, and grid positions, or driver coaches.

Generally, drivers can expect 6-7 runs per event depending on many factors including course length and registration count, but there is no guarantee on number of runs. Your first run is a practice run. Successive runs are official and your fastest timed run is your fastest run of the day. Downing cones results in the addition of one second to your time for each cone hit - hitting cones is bad for your times! Often we have time available at the end of the day for "fun runs" which are unofficial post-competition timed runs. During fun runs you may drive your own car or swap cars with friends... it's a good opportunity to beat your buddy's best time in his car!

Our events are very social and we welcome anyone and all makes of cars, not just BMWs and MINI. Unlike some other clubs, we don't limit registrations from other marques. Everyone has the same chance of getting in!

Click the button below to get signed up! Our program is very popular and events have been selling out quickly, so get signed up early. We can accept a maximum of 100 drivers.

Event cost is $55 per participant. An optional sandwich lunch is available for $8.

Questions? Please write us.

Event requirements


Licensed drivers 16 years old or older are welcome to participate in our driving events. If you are under 18 years of age, or you bring someone who is, you must have prepared the below waiver IN ADVANCE and bring it with you to attend this event. The confirmation e-mail you receive will also include this link. If you plan on attending more events this season, there are instructions for filling out the form to cover all Autocross events for this season.



You must be an active BMWCCA member to participate in our driving events and will verify your member number automatically. Please follow this link to join if you are not a BMWCCA member or you need to renew:

Alternatively, you may sign up for the BMWCCA as part as the checkout process on this registration. If you do not receive your membership card prior to the event you are signed up for, you must bring a print-out of your sign-up receipt with you to registration.


If the event is sold out, you'll automatically be placed on the wait list. We will move folks from the wait list as spots open up, and in the order you registered. Your credit card will be charged to secure your spot on the wait list. If we do not get enough cancellations to get you in to the event, we will refund your entry fee (plus sandwich purchase) only. IF YOU ADD A BMWCCA MEMBERSHIP PURCHASE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND FOR THAT EXPENSE IF YOU DO NOT MAKE IT IN TO THE EVENT. WE PASS YOUR MEMBERSHIP PURCHASE REQUEST ON TO NATIONAL ON YOUR BEHALF - AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION.


Every DRIVER participating in this event must be classified in our online classification system! Your driver number will be required to complete your registration. WARNING: If you fail to complete this step before you register, you will be placed on hold. We will not process your payment until we can verify your driver number and car classification and your spot is not guaranteed until we process your payment. 

General information, forums, etc here:
Access the online classification system here:
Classification system FAQ here:
2018 Season Policies & Rules here:

If you have any issues accessing the classification system, or, please contact 


We no longer offer deferred payment processing for registration fees. Your credit card will be charged at time of registration. Temporary (one time use) credit card numbers are declined by our payment system, so please use a regular credit or debit card for payment.

A $20 cancellation fee will be charged if you cancel prior to close of registration. You will receive a credit for the difference you paid shortly after the event date, or sooner. This credit will expire one year from the date you cancelled. If you cancel AFTER the close of registration, or you do not show up, no refund or credit will be given.

BMWCCA memberships purchased through this registration process will be forwarded to National on your behalf. If you cancel your registration, no refund or credit will be given for your BMWCCA membership purchase.


Verify all of the following conditions are met before arriving at the event. Your vehicle will be required to pass an on-site tech inspection. If it does not pass, you will not be allowed to drive your car.

  • BATTERY IS SECURELY MOUNTED WITH FACTORY HOLD DOWNS! Make-shift hold downs are not allowed!
  • Wheels are safely attached and exhibit no cracks. Wheel nuts/bolts are tightened to the manufacturer’s recommended torque value.
  • All loose items are removed from the vehicle. If a video camera is employed, it is securely mounted.
  • Tires show no cords, belts, or cracks in the tread or sidewall.
  • Seat belts and/or harnesses are properly installed and in good condition.
  • Brakes are in good working order, have no leaks under pressure, and have adequate fluid in the master cylinder.
  • No fluid leaks (fuel, oil, coolant, power steering fluid, transmission and differential fluids, brake fluid) are present while the vehicle’s engine is running.
  • Wheel bearings, steering mechanism, suspension, and shocks are in good operating condition.
  • The exhaust is in good working order.
  • Closed-toed shoes are mandatory for drivers. No open-toed shoes, sandals, or "flip-flops" are allowed on course.
  • Roll bars, if installed, are properly and securely mounted.

We reserve the right to refuse entry/participation to anyone for any reason. Racing is serious business and we need everyone in attendance to take it seriously. If you’re not following instructions, not playing by the rules, or not taking your work assignment seriously, we may blacklist you and/or ask you not to come back.

Entries (118)

Pushkar Shirali
Tim Szeto
Neil Prasad
Azim Buksh
Kevin Do
Kirill Pertsev
Ricardo Jamin
Stephen Kolesar

Marina Airport

Marina, CA


Autocross/Solo organized by

BMW CCA - Golden Gate Chapter - Autocross

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Event over!