Sat, Jun 17 - Sun, Jun 18, 2023

2023 THSCC Rallycross Points Event #7 & #8

Yancyville Rallycross Site

About this event

Bring your father and/or bring your children for our Father's Day two day points-paying extravaganza at a site that is quickly becoming a THSCC Rallycross favorite: the hills of Yanceyville! On-going work has been made all off season to make this site smoother, more mechanically sympathetic, and open up new potential courses for us to run. You don't want to miss out on this site!


Information: This is a two day event. Club competition points are for either or both days (two separate events)

Our newest and most hilly site. Note that due to large elevation changes (hills) the event may be canceled in the event of muddy conditions. We will make every effort to keep the event open, and will do an email blast through MSR  in the event of unsuitable conditions.

 ****With  FOOD SERVICE (Jasper's kids will cook burgers and hotdogs for their college fundraiser)***


BRING A HELMET - We will have loaners available if necessary, but for numerous reasons in your own benefit and ours, it's better to have your own! 



Directions can be found HERE  - once you arrive at the facility, parking will be to the left of the existing trailer.

If you have a pump sprayer with water please feel free to bring that along; the grass is dry this time of year and an unnamed individual tried to set the grass on fire with his catalytic converter.

We hope to see you there!



  • One Day Registration (Saturday or Sunday): $50
  • Second day has a $10 discount
  • We do not plan to be handling cash at the site, so please pre-register and pay through MSR

Prepayment is required through the secure MotorsportReg website. Payment is deferred and accounts will not be charged until day of event, so if you register and find out that you can't make it please cancel your registration prior to registration closing so we may open your slot for someone else. 


Event Schedule


Gates Open 7:00 AM
Tech Inspection 8:00 - 8:30 AM
Registration Check-In 8:00 - 8:30 AM
Drivers' Meeting 8:45 AM
First Car Off 9:15 AM
Second Run Group 10:45
Finished 12:30



Event requirements


Your car should be technically inspected BEFORE the drivers meeting. To pass tech, you must:

  • Clean out any loose items in the car, this includes cell phones cables, garage door openers, loose change and such.
  • The battery has to be properly secured.
  • If your floor mats are not physically attached to carpet, they will have to be removed. We don’t want the floor mat to bunch up under the brake or gas pedals.
  • Hubcaps and center caps on wheels should be removed. If your hubcaps mount to the wheel and are held in place by the lug nuts, then they can stay on, otherwise they should be removed.
  • Have a SNELL approved helmet, 2010 or newer (M-rated or SA-rated). We do not accept DOT-only approved helmets. LOANER HELMETS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS should current conditions worsen..

It is your responsibility to:

  • Check basic fluids such as oil, coolant, and brake.
  • Make sure you torque the lug nuts to manufacturer's recommended tightness.
  • Make sure you have no active leaks on the motor, transmission or diff. Oil on the track is a bad thing.
  • Check tire pressure. If you don’t know what to set it to, ask ASAP.
  • Your tires MUST be serviceable, meaning they have appropriate tread, no chords showing, etc. (smooth tires will be NO FUN)

Yancyville Rallycross Site

Yancyville, NC


RallyCross organized by

Tarheel Sports Car Club

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Event over!