About this event
South Bend Region & Detroit Region
2022 Great Lakes Division Champ Series Fall SpeedFest
Double Regional Races
Club Racing Experience
Alternate Driver School Classroom and Wheel-to-Wheel Track Sessions
May 14 - 15, 2022
GingerMan Raceway
Sanction #22-R-57322 & #22-CRE-57331 & #22-ADS-57330
Please allow extra time to get to GingerMan if you are coming from the West as the ramp from Eastbound I-94 to Northbound I-196 will be closed through May 28th. MDOT has detours posted.
This is the registration site for volunteers. If you want to register to compete at the races, please go to msreg.com/SFOS-2022
We welcome all volunteers and strive to make this a fun, entertaining weekend for you all. Saturday and Sunday we provide take-and-go lunch. At Sunday lunch we will be giving out our worker appreciation awards...so be sure to stick around.
Continue to enter online!
Event requirements
We welcome all volunteers. If you are required to be in a "hot" area, you must be a member of SCCA. However, there are other positions that do not require an SCCA membership. If you want to try this out, we can always arrange for a weekend membership!
We provide lunch on Saturday and Sunday, plus "volunteer incentives." There is free camping at the track...just let them know that you are a worker. The track also provides showers at two locations in the paddock.
Download the new weekend schedule here!Revised Schedule Regional_CRE_DS 9_172023.xlsx - Google Sheets[1245].pdf
For Registration Questions Please contact: Marilyn Russell at rotaryracer@comcast.net
Download the Race Supps here: 2023 Fall Sprints Supps_Schedule(Standardized=FINAL).docx - Google Docs[1002].pdf
or continue to register online!