About this event
Audi Club Chicagoland is attending two autocross events hosted by Tri-State Sports Car Council (TSSCC)!
Our second event will be Saturday, Sep 23 at Wintrust Field in Schaumburg (Boomers).
Please register for both the Audi club event on MSR and the TSSCC event. You will receive a link to register with TSSCC after registration. There is no fee to register with the Audi club, but you will need to pay registration (~$60) and membership fees (~$20) to TSSCC.
We will have a separate award ceremony and prizes for the quickest Audi club members if we have enough attendees!
All participants will also qualify for and be included in the TSSCC timing, scoring and season points.
Event requirements
Membership is not required to attend this event but we hope you'll consider joining our club. There are many benefits to becoming a club member and helps to support our events!
To join/renew: https://audiclubna.org/join-2/