53 entries
Name Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Dennis Bauer
Calgary, AB
Bradley Bitz
Calgary, ABCanoco Energy Services, Integrity Earth & Iron, Speedometer Repair
Christine Boyd
Calgary, AB
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Glenn Boyd
Calgary, AB
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Aidan Carruthers
Airdrie, AB SKZ Motorsports
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Alexander Chartier
Calgary, ABKaizen Institute
Dan Chartier
Calgary, AB
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Justin Dell
Calgary, AB
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Zoran Ducic
Calgary, AB
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Alan Haggerty
High River, AB
Marko Jarmola
Calgary, AB
Peter Jarmola
Calgary, AB
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Adeel Jawed
Calgary, AB
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Ahmad Jawed
Calgary, ABDad
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Macks Kepka
Calgary, ABMom & Dad
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Martin Kepka
Calgary, AB
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Carson Luinenburg
Calgary, AB
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Jason Luinenburg
Calgary, AB
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Blake Mantovani
Calgary, AB
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Casey Mccoshen
calgary, AB
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Kelly Mccoshen
Calgary, AB
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Maricel Mercado
Calgary, AB
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Celkin Mercado-Wong
Calgary, ABMom and Dad
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Jonathan Moore
Calgary, AB2020 Tutoring
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Mark Newson
Calgary, AB
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Marcos Nogueira
Airdrie, ABNogaIT Consulting
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keith olsen
Calgary, AB
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Ryan Pilsner
Strathmore, AB
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Sam Pilsner
Strathmore, ABShaw Steel
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Ernie Plett
Gem, AB
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Jason Poirier
Calgary, AB
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Jennifer Poirier
Calgary, AB
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Verne Quiring
Calgary, AB
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Nathan Rogi
Calgary, AB
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Peter Sammon
Calgary, AB
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Conrad Skeen
Calgary, ABMom and Dad
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Davin Skeen
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Jackson Slivinski
Calgary, AB
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Robert Slivinski
Calgary, AB
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Jake Thompson
Calgary, AB
Jenna Thompson
Calgary, AB
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Brham Trim
rocky view county, AB
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Grady Trim
Calgary, AB
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Kale Trim
Calgary, AB
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Lane Trim
Calgary, AB
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Porter Trim
Calgary, AB
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Rory Trim
rocky view county, ABGentlemen Plumbers
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Travers Trim
rocky view county, ABThe Gentlemen Pros
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Dennis Wong
Calgary, ABNone
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Jakob Wong
Calgary, ABNone
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Esteban Zevallos
Calgary, AB
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Ricardo Zevallos
Calgary, AB
Sophia Zevallos
Calgary, AB
The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.