Registration closed December 11, 2022 11:59 PM at 2022-12-11T23:59:00-0800 Registration ends December 11, 2022 11:59 PM at 2022-12-11T23:59:00-0800 Registration opens November 19, 2022 12:00 AM at 2022-11-19T00:00:00-0800 Registration runs from November 19, 2022 12:00 AM to December 11, 2022 11:59 PM
Requirements for Saturday and Sunday
Special Rules
Special Requirements for Sunday
Car Numbers and Class Letters Required for Championship Sunday
Click here for the complete SCCA National Rules >
Autocross Sunday Vehicle Number
Everyone is welcomed to sign up and run on Sundays! In order to score points towards a year end class Trophy, you must have a current 2021 Annual Number that includes your own permanent car number. To check if a particular car number is available for purchase, check out our Annual Number Listings here. Points cards are available for purchase online here. Cost is $20 for each calendar year. Cards purchased the last three months of any calendar year will also be valid the following calendar year.
If you do not have a Annual Number, you can absolutely still run on Sunday but you must register with any open 6xx number on a first come first served basis. If you have already have magnets or vinyl numbers for your vehicle and you'd like to reuse them at our event rather than using blue tape, you can convert your existing number by placing a one "1" and the appropriate number of zeros in front of your existing number to create a four digit 1xxx number. This request can be accommodated at registration check in only. (For example: If you have magnets for number number 98, you may ask to register for number 1098).
Classing your Car
Classes are based off your car and its modifications. Click here to view the SCCA rule book to determine what class your car should be in. If you don’t know how to class your call, click here and create a new post on our forum thread. Alternatively, we can help you re-class your car on the day of registration if you are unsure.
If you are a new comer with 3 or less events in each of the last 3 years, you qualify to enter into our Novice class to compete with others with similar skill levels.