About this event
We welcome you to the annual ZCON HPDE event registration. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s event.
PLEASE REGISTER AND PAY FIRST AT: http://www.zcon.org/conventions/registration
The registration fee is $170
No fees will be collected through the MotorsportReg.com registration process.
Event requirements
Ages 18 years and older with a valid driver’s license required. Registration and payment must be completed through http://www.zcon.org before registering at MotorsportReg.com. Event is open to all Nissan and Datsun sedans and sports cars. Instructors may run any make sedan or sports car. Snell 2005 or later helmet required. No short pants or shirts. Clothing must be cotton or SFI rated material. Convertibles require roll bar.
New Hampshire Motor Speedway
Loudon, NH