TRSS BMW-NVCC-CCA Volunteer SignUp-May '17 events
Lincoln College of TechnologyAbout this event
Use this site to sign up as a Coach or Volunteer for our two TRSS events in Columbia, Maryland.
The National Capital Chapter BMW Car Club of America , the Northern Virginia Corvette Club, and the Corvette Club of America, and are pleased to welcome you as either an In-Car Coach or volunteer worker at our next two Tire Rack Street Survival teen driving clinics.
The two events are:
Saturday May 6th and Sunday May 7th, 2017 -or- you can help with BOTH
Where: at the Lincoln College of Technology in Columbia, MD.
Students range in age from 16 - 21. The emphasis for the day is for instructors to teach advanced car control techniques they can use in every day driving - and to have an excellent set of volunteers to make this event as successful as our last event!
It's a fun day for everyone - students, parents, and coaches/volunteers!
If you've been with us before, you know what a rewarding day it is to work with new teen drivers and help them learn new skills to become better drivers.
If you've never done this before - what are you waiting for? Not ready to be an In-Car Coach? Not sure what this is all about? That's OK!! C'mon out and volunteer to help us run the event. There's always plenty to do!
Instructors should have at least 1 year of SCCA Autocross, or 1 year of High Performance driving events, or some racing experience. In addition, instructors need to feel comfortable working with novice teen drivers. This means you should be capable of interacting with teens and helping them get the most out of their experience.
Volunteers help out with setting up traffic cones used in the driving exercises, assisting with registration, setting up for lunch, making sure we stay on schedule throughout the day, etc. Anyone who has an interest in helping with the variety of tasks we need to accomplish throughout the day is welcome to sign up as a volunteer.
We need about 20 instructors for each event and an equal amount of volunteers.
Event requirements
In order to be an Instructor / In-Car Coach, you need to complete an online training program and then e-mail the certificate to Bill Wade.
If you've already completed the training in prior years, you don't need to do it again.
=> Only those who haven't completed it or are first time In-Car Coaches need to go through the program.
Here's the link to the most current course, the Spring 2017 Class:
NOTE: You can take the course as many times as you need in order to become familiar with the course content.
Once completed, e-mail your certificate to: Rafael Garces