Fri, Sep 8, 2023

TRACKILICIOUS - Sept 8th Waterford Hills OTD

Waterford Hills

About this event

TRACKILICIOUS welcomes you to join us at Waterford Hills on Friday, Sept 8th, 2023 for another exhilarating track day. Please see the event details below:


  • Dates – Friday, Sept 8th 2023
  • Track – Waterford Hills - 4770 Waterford Rd, Village of Clarkston, MI 48346
  • Limited to 40 people Spots will be reserved on a first pay basis
  • 5 x 20 min sessions
  • Check-in Period: 8AM - 9:30AM
  • Track Day Ends: 5:00PM
  • $180 – Regular Registration (Deadline Midnight Thurs, Sept 1st)
  • $200 – Late Entry


Event requirements


Performing an inspection of your vehicle is mandatory. You will be required to fill a form with the following requirements. You assume responsibility for the overall mechanical soundness of the vehicle you will be driving at the track day

NOTICE: Effective 7/21/2021 Participation of electric vehicles has been suspended until WHRRI obtains specialized equipment to deal with electric Vehicle emergencies.

  • Helmet Requirement - Helmets are required. SNELL 2010 or newer
  • Convertible Requirement - Convertibles must have factory seat back roll hoop / deployable roll protection / roll bar or cage / removable hard top (Miatas)
  • Driver Side Window - The driver side window will be required to be rolled down while on track to allow point to pass
  • Tire Treads - Check to make sure that your tires are not chording, do not have any blemishes, and the treads have sufficient depth (if not slicks)
  • Torque Lug Nuts - Ensure the lug nuts are torqued to spec
  • Wheel Bearings - Listening for grinding or humming noises from the wheel can be an indication of a bad wheel bearing. It is also worthwhile to review push on the tires to try and shake the wheel relative to the suspension to see if there is any looseness
  • Engine Fluids / Electricity - Leaking fluids on the track can cause a shut down, which means less track time for everyone. Low fluid levels could be harmful to your vehicle. Check engine oil, power steering fluid, and brake fluid levels. Don't forget to fuel up before coming to the track.
  • Battery Secured - Please check to ensure the battery is sufficiently secured for track usage
  • Brake Lights - Ensure brake lights work
  • Seat Belts - Ensure seat belts work and will securely hold all passengers
  • Driver's Side Floor Mat - Driver’s floor mat must be removed
  • Empty Trunk - Trunk must be empty, including spare tire (or sufficiently secured)

Waterford Hills

Clarkston, MI
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Open Track organized by


Event over!