Sat, Dec 2, 2023

Thermal ///M Chapter Club Day @ BMW PC West

BMW Performance Center West

About this event

The ///M Chapter is headed back to the BMW Performance Center West in Thermal, California, on December 2nd for our ///M Chapter Day event. The Performance Center West provides current model ///M cars, instructors, gas, tires, lunch and a first-class facility for a fun-filled day at the track. Just show up ready to drive!

Why drive with us? Our group is comprised 100% of true BMW enthusiasts. You can drive other events with strangers, but you know the drivers in our group are part of the BMW CCA family and we know that you are, too. Our events are specifically designed for BMW CCA club members and are something special to attend! 

The focus of this event is on improving your driving skills and having fun through a combination of driving exercises, classroom instruction and competitive events. No helmets or previous driving school experience are required. All skill levels are welcome and everyone 18 and older is encouraged to attend. As always, the Performance Center provides current model ///M cars, world-class instructors, gas, tires, lunch and a first-class facility for a fun-filled day at the track. Just show up ready to drive! 

For this event, two driver's share a car throughout the day. This provides plenty of drive time for both participants and allows passengers to focus on the technical aspects of the exercises (if they choose to ride along.) This format provides a great mix of learning and driving. Don't worry, you will get plenty of drive time and be exhausted by the end of the day. We can also offer driver's a car to themselves for the entire day. No car sharing and double the drive-time, you will drive all day by yourself.

This school is a special program designed by the Performance Center staff specifically for BMW CCA chapters. It will be similar to previous ///M Chapter Club Day events, which included instruction on proper driving position, vehicle dynamics, car-control skills, weight-transfer, oversteer/understeer and improved vision. The day is divided into morning and afternoon sessions which mix skill exercises and competitive events, including skid pad wet/dry courses, braking and handling practice, autocross, lapping and more.

We will be driving current model BMW ///M Cars for this event. Please note that the Performance Center staff continually makes changes to this program, so session contents and the ///M cars available may vary from one school to the next.

Drive-Day Schedule

Saturday, December 2, 2023

  • 8:00 AM - Meet @ the Performance Center West / Thermal Club
  • 8:15 AM - Drive day begins
  • 5:00 PM - Drive day ends

The Fine Print. Please read carefully!!!

  • Slots will be first-come, first-served to all current ///M Chapter BMW CCA members.
  • If you are not a current ///M Chapter member, please contact BMW CCA Headquarters at (864) 250-0022 or register on-line to become a club member and a member of the ///M Chapter before you register for this event.
  • The event coordinators only accept applicants into this school through the registration site.
  • All drivers must be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver's license to drive the Performance Center ///M cars. Sorry, no exceptions.
  • The cost of $795.00, per day, per driver, per seat includes driving Performance Center ///M cars, tires, gas, instructors and lunch at the Performance Center.
  • If you want to drive both seats in a car by yourself all day, register for two drivers and leave a note or email the registrar to say you want to drive all day by yourself. You will be charged $1,590 for both seats.
  • One you sign up and your credit card is charged, any cancelation, for any reason, will be charged a $45 cancelation fee to cover our non-recoverable fees incurred when your card was charged. Each seat canceled will be refunded $750.
  • Travel expenses, meals and lodging costs are the responsibility of the attendees and not included in the $795.00 event registration fee.
  • You do not have to own a BMW or ///M-car to attend this event. (However, be prepared - you may want to purchase one when you return home!)
  • Non-driving guests are welcome and encouraged to attend the weekend social events, but are not allowed to ride or be on track at any time during the drive days. Sorry, there is no provision for minors under 18 years old at the Performance Center while parents are driving.

Event requirements

We anticipate that this school will fill very rapidly.  The cost of the school is $795.00, per driver, per day.  Registration will close on October 31st or when the event is full, at the discretion of the event coordinators.

Completed registrations will be accepted first-come, first-served, based on the registration date. Applications will be considered complete upon receipt of both the registration and full payment by credit card or eCheck. Your payment reserves your spot! 

After your acceptance into the school, your credit card will be charged the event fee of $795. Once your fee has been charged, if you have to cancel for any reason, $750 will be refunded. The remaining $45 will be withheld to cover our unrecoverable registration fees.

Your registration and payment assumes you are an ///M Chapter member or will become an ///M Chapter member within seven days after registration.

Each driver must pay the $795.00 fee to participate on each day. Sorry, no one drives for free. Non-driving guests may not ride in the cars on track with participants.  

NOTE:  Applicants must be ///M Chapter BMW CCA members to drive in this school. Payments will be taken when you are entered into this school by the event coordinator.

The BMW CCA will not reimburse any registrant or be responsible in any way, at any time, for any reason, for any travel-related expenses incurred by participants to this event.

You are encouraged to check your registration and acceptance status in your account.    

NOTE: If you are a BMW CCA member, but are not yet a member of the ///M Chapter, please join us by calling the national office at (864) 250-0022 or on-line and ask them to process your request to join the ///M chapter as a secondary chapter. ///M Chapter membership is required for this event, but you don't have to have an ///M car to join the ///M Chapter. 

No refunds after September 1st, 2023, unless we can fill your slot or the event is canceled. 

Once you pay the event fee, we will deduct $45.00 per person (for non-recoverable MSREG fees) from ALL cancellations. Therefore, for this event, each person that cancels after paying their fee will be refunded $750.00.  

BMW Performance Center West

Thermal, CA
Download track map
Download track map
Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap


HPDE organized by

BMW CCA - M Chapter

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Event over!