About this event
- This test and tune will be an autocross playground of sorts featuring: 1) a ~30 second autocross course (timed, but not scored), and 2) a stand-alone oval skidpad with 2 standard 180° corners (think Martinsville Speedway).
- Unlimited runs!
- This event is not appropriate for brand new drivers. Must have several autocross events worth of experience and must know how to work a corner on your own.
- "Priority Lane" will be available to ensure co-drivers get equal seat time.
- You may also use the priority lane if you are spending considerable time working on your car. For example, if you spend 30 minutes changing your tires or disassembling your suspension, you may use the priority lane for your next run or two. Turning knobs, adjusting air pressure or hanging out in grid does NOT qualify you to use the priority lane. The priority lane will be self-regulated, but the Starter will have absolute power to squash anyone who tries to abuse it.
- All drivers (including early workers) are required to work only 1 of 5 or 6 sessions. The remaining 5-6 hours is free to run, eat, work on the car, hang out, or leave early.
- This is not a spectator event. Guests will need to sign the waiver and should be accompanied 100% of the time.
- Gates will be closed during the event, but drivers will be able to let themselves in and out.
- Workers will "hot swap", meaning we will not stop the event to switch workers and cars will run continuously.
- We will collect payment AT THE EVENT during check-in.
- Please bring your credit card (preferred) or cash to the event. No checks.
- If you no-show or late-cancel (after Wednesday's), you will be charged the $10 fee by motorsportreg.
- If you cancel on-time, you will not be charged.
- If you cancel on-time, you will not be charged.
- 55 driver entry cap - first come, first serve.
- Registration closes Wednesday prior at 11:59 PM. Must register online, no walkups.
- Cancel before registration closes – full refund.
- Cancel after registration closes – $10 cancellation fee.
- Registration changes can be made by attendees until registration is closed. If you have a class change after registration closes, please contact the Event Organizer.
- $50 - 2024 TAC member
- $60 - Weekend TAC member
- 6:30 AM | Setup
7:30 AM | Tech / Check-in Opens
8:00 AM | Course Open for Walking
8:15 AM | Tech / Check-in Closes
9:00 AM | Mandatory Driver's Meeting
9:15 AM | Sessions begin
4:30 PM | Cleanup
5:30 PM | Must be off site
Event requirements
- Bring a valid drivers license with you to the event.
- Autocrossers under the age of 19 will be required to have a parent or legal guardian sign a minor's competition waiver.
- Helmets are required, but we have loaners available.
- Helmets per: https://teamtac.org/e107/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?115442.post
TAC has a strict sound policy, due to our residential location and agreement with Milton Frank Stadium owners. Your car must not be louder than 96 dB without exception. Sound will be monitored approximately 50 feet from the course where your car will be under load and high RPM. The type of exhaust (stock vs aftermarket) is not restricted, but it must not exceed 96 dB. If your car exceeds 96 dB on a run, you will be notified, the run will be scored as a DNF -- THE CAR will not allowed to run again. If you show that a mechanical modification has been made to reduce noise, then THE CAR will be allowed to run again. If your car exceeds the limit a second time, THE CAR will not be allowed to run for the rest of the day. We want EVERYONE to have a great day autocrossing, please make this easy by fixing your car before the event!
If your car is disqualified, you may still run in someone elses car. Talk to the Event Master for more details.