HPDE organized by
PCA - Carolinas
Fri, Nov 17 - Sun, Nov 19, 2023

Carolinas Region November HDPE at VIR

Virginia International Raceway

About this event

Our season ending HPDE with social at VIR utilizing the 3.27 mile Full Course circuit. Solo drivers and Instructors may add Friday November 17th as an optional third day which we are running on Full Course as well. Instructors, Red, and Black solo drivers with or without VIR experience are approved. White solo drivers may need a recommendation from your CDI to be approved, depending on experience. Registration can be found here: https://clubregistration.net/events/signUp.cfm/event/13101

Virginia International Raceway

Alton, VA
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HPDE organized by

PCA - Carolinas