About this event
On behalf of all of LEC a huge thank you for all of your time and energy that you put towards our events!!
Without your efforts, energy and passion we would not be able to put on any of our events
This is your point of registration for the race weekend.
(if you are a driver or crew please go here for your registration location, thanks)
(if you are a worker planning on working another specialty [not F&C] please click here for your worker registration point, thanks)
Join Lake Erie Communications for the first SCCA event of the season, the Ohio Valley Region "Great Lakes Race of Champions Majors" a "Hoosier SCCA Super Tour" - Majors event at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course May 16-18, 2025
It should be a great time for everyone. Come out and help LEC and start the season off right.
Your Flag Chief for this event is Dylan Daugherty, his e-mail is dpd42racing@gmail.com, his phone no. is 419-544-2799
Stay up to date by following us on our facebook page or on our website at www.lakeeriecommunications.org
Event requirements
Morning meeting at 7:15 am all three days in the LEC area.
Lunches provided all days.
Camping is free in the LEC camp grounds.
Saturday night worker party TBD
LEC will keep you posted on the latest event information as it becomes available.
Your Flag Chief for this event is Dylan Daugherty, his e-mail is dpd42racing@gmail.com, his phone no. is 419-544-2799