Sat, Feb 18 - Sun, Feb 19, 2023

NASCC SnoMo Passenger Ice Race Rides Feb 18 & 19

Alberta Beach

About this event

Welcome to Ice Race 2023 SnoMo days Passenger Ride-Along Registration!

Passengers - please note - For SnoMo days this is your  registration page

You will need to complete the mandatory speedwaiver, without this, you will not go out on track.

Pricing for SnoMo Days Passenger ride-alongs is as follows:

- Lapping -$50 per passenger for a 3-lap run during a lunch time lapping session, between 12:30 and 1:20, approximately

- Passengers - $100 per passenger for a ride-along in a Chevette or rubber to ice car during a race.


For drivers who are either Racers & Lappers there is an alternate registration page at this link SnoMo Racer & Lapper sign in


Event requirements

For background information visit our website:

Entrance to the lake is at the boat launch pier:  Alberta Beach Boat Launch

There is a SnoMo Days event entry fee at the gate.

General Information on  Ice racing, and Maps to the Lakes  Racing Page, Ice Raceing sub page.

3-Lap Ride alongs, you need to be 18 or older, have signed the Speed Waiver, and wear a helmet.  The helmet should be a DOT approved Motorcycle Helmet or a Snell approve Car or Motorcycle helmet.  If you can get one, please bring it.  We have only a few spares.

Race Ride alongs, during a 15 minute Chevette or Rubber to Ice Race. You need to be 18 or older, have signed the Speed Waiver, and wear a helmet, fire retardent race suit or fire retardent workers overalls (Nomex usually), and gloves (leather preferably).  Please bring as much of this as you can, since we only have a few spares.

Alberta Beach

Alberta Beach, AB


Club Race organized by

Northern Alberta Sports Car Club

Event over!