Fri, Apr 25 - Sun, Apr 27, 2025

MFD Driving Experience

Grattan Raceway

About this event


33rd Annual Event — April 25th, 26th and 27th, 2025

Registration is now open for this event.

Join us for the 33rd run­ning of the MFD Classic Motors Driving Experience at Grat­tan Race­way.  Grattan Michigan Raceway Course located North East of Grand Rapids, MI, approx­i­mately 3.5 hours from Chicago and 2.5 hours from Detroit. The chal­leng­ing 2-mile track is a great place for a Driver’s School, with each turn offer­ing a dif­fer­ent type of chal­lenge, and a long straight dur­ing which you can regroup and catch your breath.  Attendees use their own vehicle and all makes are invited to participate!

As at any MFD Driving Experience event, you will be sur­rounded by a great group of friendly, experienced organizers ready with a help­ing hand for those new to the track driving hobby.

This event is open to all licensed drivers age 18 or older. Prior expe­ri­ence is NOT required!  Sorry-  SUV's, pick up trucks and minivans are not allowed at this event.

Some convertible models with fixed factory roll hoops (Boxsters  & Z4's) are permitted.  Please contact the event organizers before registering.

All track eligible makes are welcome at this event.  Club membership is not required.

Student or Instructor Sat/Sun DE Fee $400  ($450 after March 20th)

Instructor/Advanced Fee Friday/Sat/Sunday $500 ($550 after March 20th)  Instructors assigned or bringing a student may be eligible for a partial refund

Friday only Advanced Driving Day $250   ($300 after March 20th (eligibility approval required from event organizers)

Please contact the event organizers with any questions.  


Event requirements

Who should attend?

The Grat­tan Driver’s School is open to all licensed drivers age 18 or older.

Do you want to become a bet­ter and safer driver?
Do you want to learn more about the lim­its of you and your car in a safe environment?
Have you always wanted to drive on a racetrack?
Have you dri­ven on other tracks before and want to learn a new one?
Have you dri­ven at Grat­tan before, but want to improve your line?
If you can answer yes to any of these ques­tions you should attend this school.

What to expect?

Novice, Inter­me­di­ate, and Advanced stu­dents will all ben­e­fit from the dri­ving instruc­tion offered at Grat­tan. Each stu­dent will drive his/her own car with an instruc­tor pro­vid­ing guid­ance until both stu­dent and instruc­tor are com­fort­able that the stu­dent is ready to drive solo on the track. No stu­dent will be pushed beyond his/her abil­ity and com­fort level. All on-track dri­ving will take place in run groups based on pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence, and each run group will have mul­ti­ple ses­sions on the track.

On Sat­ur­day, stu­dents will receive class­room instruc­tion on the basic con­cepts of car con­trol and safe dri­ving (well beyond any­thing taught in your old dri­ver train­ing!). Then in-car exer­cises will be con­ducted with the goal of giv­ing each stu­dent a good sense for the brak­ing and acci­dent avoid­ance capa­bil­i­ties of their car – capa­bil­i­ties that often far exceed what the dri­ver expects! After these famil­iar­iza­tion exer­cises are com­pleted, stu­dents will be intro­duced to the track by rid­ing with their instruc­tors, and then will have their turn at nego­ti­at­ing the track with their instruc­tor rid­ing along to pro­vide coach­ing.

Sun­day morn­ing activ­i­ties will resume at Grat­tan Race­way with more time on the track, again with instruc­tors coach­ing the novices and any­one else who would like some addi­tional instruc­tion. By the end of the day each stu­dent will have had enough dri­ving time to end the day tired but elated, and look­ing for­ward to the next event.

Grat­tan Advanced Dri­ver Day – Fri­day, April 25th, 2025
Who should attend this day?

The Grat­tan Advanced Dri­ver Day is open to all drivers who are either club instruc­tors or advanced HPDE dri­vers who want an addi­tional oppor­tu­nity to learn the track. The Advanced Dri­ver Day will pro­vide a great oppor­tu­nity to learn Grat­tan if you have not been there before, or to get some qual­ity track time in if you are already expe­ri­enced there. If you have any ques­tion about your eli­gi­bil­ity or have not attended a past MFD event as an advanced driver, please con­tact Mike Fisher, Geoff Harris, David Denison, Jeff Mattis or Tim Parvin.  All drivers participating in the Advanced Drivers Day will be required to assist the club organizers throughout the weekend.  If you are unable to commit to the 3 day weekend, the Advanced Driver Day fee will be $250

The AmericInn of Greenville has a limited block of rooms held for the MFD Driving Experience.  Reserve your room right away!  This will be the host hotel where registration and tech will be held.  It is a short 10 minute drive to the track.  Contact the hotel directly at 616 754-4500 to reserve your room ASAP under the MFD room rate. Note: Room block is open and available to reserve.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting our organizers:  Geoff Harris (231) 620-3922 or Mike Fisher (231) 883-2727 or Email Dave Denison at

Entries (20)

Charles Price
Mike Mulford
John Aprill
Kamran Osenbaugh
Tim Parvin
Eric Mattis
Jeffrey Mattis
Trevor Davies

Grattan Raceway

Belding, MI
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HPDE organized by

MFD Driving Experience

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2025 MFD Driving Experience
2025 MFD Driving Experience
Grattan Raceway

MFD Driving Experience

Fri, Apr 25 - Sun, Apr 27, 2025