Sat, May 13, 2023

May 13, 2023 Twilight Race

Aztalan Cycle Club

About this event


Twilight Classes


  • 51cc Jr ages 4-6
  • 51cc Sr ages 7-8
  • 51cc Open ages 4-8
  • 65cc Jr ages 7-9
  • 85cc Jr ages 9-12
  • 85cc Sr ages 13-15
  • 59cc - 85cc Open ages 9-13
  • 2-Stroke 122cc and up
  • 250 B/C
  • Open B/C
  • Big Bike Beginner (122cc and up) 
  • Women
  • Pit Bike ages 15 and Under
  • Pit Bike ages 16 and Over
  • Pit Bike Mod ages 17 and over


Race Order

  1. 2-Stroke 122cc and up
  2. 65cc Jr ages 7-9
  3. Big Bike Beginner (122cc and up) 
  4. 51cc Jr ages 4-6
  5. 51cc Sr ages 7-8
  6. Open B/C
  7. 85cc Jr ages 9-12
  8. 85cc Sr ages 13-15
  9. 51cc Open ages 4-8
  10. Women
  11. 59cc - 85cc Open ages 9-13
  12. Pit Bike ages 16 and Over
  13. Pit Bike ages 15 and Under
  14. Pit Bike Mod ages 17 and over
  15. 250 B/C

Event requirements

All participants must hold a current AMA Membership

Signup for AMA Membership

2023 AMA Rulebook


Also, each participant must complete:

  • Aztalan Annual Release (or Aztalan Cycle Club membership card if a member)
    • One per year, district card will be stamped for future events. 
    • If not all parents are attending the event, this form will need to be notarized.
  • AMA Minor Release (for participants under 18 years of age)
    • AMA Annual Minor Release - This can be done electronically and is valid until December 31st of the current year. Both parents/guardians must complete this process and then only one parent/guardian will be required at the event. 
    • A paper form can also be completed at the track Both parents/guardians will be required at sign-up to complete this and then at least one parent/guardian will need to stay for the duration of the event.
  • Sign Event Release (at Check-in window)


Aztalan Cycle Club

Lake Mills, WI


Motocross organized by


Event over!