About this event
The Maumee Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America is holding an autocross on Saturday, June 29th, 2024 at Owens Community College Center for Emergency Preparedness.
This event is open to all makes and models. Cars must pass a safety inspection.
Attendees must follow organizers' directions and are required to help work the event. Follow the golden rule. MVR PCA reserves the right to disallow/remove any entrant due to misbehavior.
Event Timeline:
7:45 - 8:45: Registration
8:00 - 9:00: Tech open
8:00 - 9:15: Course open to walk
9:00 - 9:15: Novice Walk
9:15 - 9:30: Mandatory drivers meeting
10:00 First car on course
10:00 - 12:00: Show & Shine
12:00: Lunch and Tech Quiz
By 3:00: Finish
Event requirements
1. Minors
All Minors (competitor or spectator under 18) at the event site MUST be accompanied by at least one parent (or legal guardian) during the entire course of the event. Minor waivers must be signed by both legal guardians (or one if proof of sole custody is provided).
A parent (or legal guardian) of any Minor Competitor MUST remain at the event site until the completion of the event.
2. 4 Wheel Drive or High Center of Gravity Vehicles
Due to the increased chance of rollovers, 4 wheel drive vehicles (not AWD) or vehicles with a high center of gravity and a narrow track width are generally not allowed. Examples of excluded vehicles include but are not limited to:
Any vehicle on light truck rated tires.
Any vehicle with a 4-wheel drive transfer case.
Any full size van.
Any mini-van.
Any vehicle with a lift kit.
Any vehicle with a wheelbase exceeding 116 inches.
Any vehicle deemed by the Chief Safety Steward to be at risk of a rollover.
Examples of vehicles: Suzuki Samurai, Jeep CJ series, Geo Sidekick, Chevy Blazer, Ford Explorer, Dodge Caravan, Honda Odyssey, Ford F150 4WD, Dodge Ram 4WD, Chevy Silverado 4WD
Contact Hal Kenety at 419-551-8765 with any questions.
3. Car numbering and lettering.
Numbers shouldbe a minimum of 8" high with a 1.25" stroke. They may be made of any durable material that contrasts with the car’s paint. Painter's tape works great if you don't have permanent numbers. We will have some available at the event.
Positioning the numbers on the car’s paint is preferred, but numbers may be placed on the car’s rear-side windows with the following conditions: The numbers/letters must meet size and material requirements. The window must be adequately tinted so high contrast is maintained. If the tinting allows much light/detail to pass through the window, then the high contrast is lost and won't be allowed.
4. Helmets
There will be a limited number of loaner helmets available. You may need to share.
Helmets meeting the following standards must be worn while on course:
All helmets meeting the latest or two immediately preceding Snell Foundation standards (SA2020, SA2015, SA2010, SAH2010, M2020D, M2020R, M2015, M2010, K2020, K2015, K2010). SFI standards 31.1/2020, 31.1/2015, 31.1/2010, 41.1/2020, 41.1/2015, 41.1/2010. FIA Standards 8859-2020, 8860-2018, 8860-2018-ABP, 8859, 2015, 8860-2010. NO DOT-ONLY RATED HELMETS.
For maximum protection, helmets must fit securely and should provide adequate peripheral vision. The chin strap must be securely fastened.
5. Work Assignments
We will be divided into run groups. Drivers not currently running will be asked to work the course. This may include standing for up to an hour and leaning/bending/lifting to reset cones. Please let us know if you are unable or unwilling to perform these actions and we will find a suitable alternative duty.
6. Safety Inspection
Please review the below linked safety inspection checklist to prepare for the inspection when you arrive. Any cars that cannot pass inspection will not be allowed to participate. Feel free to contact Hal Kenety at 419-551-8765 with any questions. Double check that your battery is tied down, as this is the most common failure point with older cars.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE NOTE: EVs require an on-hand Emergency Response Guide. Find yours here: https://www.nfpa.org/education-and-research/emergency-response/emergency-response-guides. Please contact Hal Kenety at 419-551-8765 if you are planning to register an EV.