About this event
Guest Pit Passes - Pit passes are required for everyone on HCKC property. Please check in and pick up wristband at Registration.
What is Kartoberfest??? See this FAQ for more details: http://www.hillcountrykartclub.com
Event Schedule 2022KartoberfestSchedule.pdf
Neck Braces and proper safety gear required at all times, no driving in the pits doing so will result in a DQ for the event. Karts may only be started in the grid area with a driver in the seat! (other clubs have reported runaway karts by not following this rule). We recommend that everyone involved with your racing team watch this short video regardless of class raced - https://youtu.be/tLO4ucSAupE?t=4
Please be aware that HCKC events are run by the membership and those that volunteer, you may be asked to help your club out for duties like Grid Stewart, Pre-Tech, Scales, cut-thru, etc.