Tue, Jun 25 - Tue, Jul 9, 2024

Inner Speed Secrets Masterclass


About this event

Focus, fear, confidence, red mist, sensing your car’s limits, using visualization, getting in the zone. These are all the challenges of the mental game that drivers have told me they want practical strategies and tools to help them improve. This — and more — is what I’ll provide in a 3-part Inner Speed Secrets Masterclass.

If you want more information about what’s covered, and what you’ll learn, go to SpeedSecrets.com/ISS-Masterclass.

The live, online sessions are being held on three consecutive Tuesdays, June 25, July 2, and July 9, all starting at 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm Eastern; each session will last approximately 2 hours, and include opportunities to ask questions. For $150, you’ll get over 6 hours of practical strategies and exercises to improve your mental game — and ultimately, make you a more consistently fast driver.

And don’t worry, if you’re unable to participate in the live sessions, no worries: everyone who registers gets access to the full recording of all 3 sessions — it’s yours to download, save forever, and access at any time. Kind of a one-time cost for something that will last you for the rest of your driving career.

The Inner Speed Secrets Masterclass is for any driver, of any level and type, who uses their brain to drive their car. If that's you, I look forward to sharing what I’ve spent the past five decades learning and developing — what I consider to be my sweet spot in coaching!

- Ross Bentley

P.S. – What you learn in this masterclass will not wear out – it'll last you a lifetime. Don't you wish your tires did the same thing!

Event requirements

The first Inner Speed Secrets Masterclass session will go live on Tuesday, June 25th (and subsequent sessions on July 2nd and July 9th) at 5:30pmPacific/8:30pm Eastern. Your registration includes approximately 2 hours of content (including Q&A) in each session — and recordings of all 3 sessions. That’s at least 6 hours of mental game tricks, tips, and strategies.

I always limit registration to a manageable number of participants, so sign up now. The cost is just $150 (and what you learn will never wear out).

To participate in the live masterclass sessions, you'll need to be in front of a computer/tablet (with sound enabled, or listening with a phone), online. You'll receive an email prior to the first session with instructions for how to log in to the masterclass. 

The entire masterclass will be recorded, so if you have to miss one or more live sessions for some reason, you will be able to review it afterward at your own leisure. And since you will be able to download it, it’s yours forever. However, only people who register will be able to access the recorded sessions, so reserve your spot now.



Everywhere, WA


Seminar/Meeting organized by

Speed Secrets

Event over!