Sat, May 31 - Sun, Jun 1, 2025

GLLC May 31st & June 1st 2025 Grattan Raceway

Grattan Raceway

About this event

Come join Great Lakes Lotus Club, Lotus of Detroit and Auto Europe for our annual high-performance driving event at Grattan Raceway for the weekend of May 31st & June 1st, 2025!

All are welcome, beginner or expert, fast and not-so-fast, Lotus or not.  Not a race or a competition event. We offer a controlled environment with expert instruction available. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to practice performance driving techniques in a controlled environment. Learn how your car handles at high speed and under extreme cornering. Understand the mechanics of cornering and stability. Experience what you and your car are really capable of!

Pre-Registered Drivers: Cost for the weekend (2 days) is $425.00 Cost for either Saturday OR Sunday is $300.00.

Spectators are free.


Lunch and refreshments will be provided by Auto Europe, Lotus of Detroit & Great Lakes Lotus Club

Camping will be available. You are able to camp starting Friday May 30th, and ending on Sunday morning of the event.  

If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding this event contact Nathan Schick at (248) 645-6300 or by email at:


Event requirements

Event Requirements:

  • All drivers must be 18 years or older and have a valid drivers license.

  • All vehicles must be covered by a valid insurance policy.

  • Anyone driving in a manner deemed unsafe will be removed from the event.  No excuses, it just won't be tolerated.

  • Any vehicle (with the exception of vans, SUVs and trucks) is welcome - you don’t have to own a Lotus!

  • Vehicles must undergo a Technical inspection within one week prior to the event and after their most recent event.  Copies of the Technical Inspection Form are available from our website at Or, contact Auto Europe 248-645-6300 for the form. Auto Europe (248-645-6300) has kindly agreed to perform Technical Inspections for Great Lakes Lotus Club members at no charge. NO ON SITE TECH INSPECTIONS WILL BE PERFORMED SO PLEASE COME PREPARED

  • Targas and T-Tops (including the Lotus Elise) are welcome.

  • Convertibles with factory rollover protection should contact us to check eligibility: but as a minimum we require a full-width roll bar with the following clearance: a minimum of two (2) inches above the top of the occupant(s) helmet(s) with the occupant(s) seated normally and restrained by seat belt(s) and shoulder harness; additionally a line drawn from the top of the roll bar to structural parts of the chassis in front of the base of the windshield should pass over the occupant(s) helmet(s).  In all cases it is the vehicle driver’s sole responsibility to ensure that vehicle rollover protection is appropriate for the vehicle’s intended use on a track.  GLLC reserves the right to reject any convertible in its sole and absolute discretion.

  • Helmets are required (Snell SA/M rated 2015 or newer).  But if you don't have a helmet, we'll be happy to rent you one - numbers are limited so please reserve one when registering for the event or contact us in advance to check availability!
  • Drivers will be grouped into several categories, paired with an in-car instructor or driving "solo" depending upon level of experience and ability.  Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

  • Passing will be allowed in designated areas and with a "point-by" from the lead car.

  • Great Lakes Lotus Club has arranged additional liability insurance for this event, but that insurance does not cover any damages that may happen to your car.  Any damage to your vehicle is your responsibility.  You need to read and understand the coverage and exclusions of your specific auto insurance policy and be prepared to assume the risk of participating in this school.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of these requirements, or would like additional information regarding this school contact Nathan Schick at (248) 645-6300 or by email at:

Please monitor the Great Lakes Lotus Club website for up-to-date information:





Grattan Raceway

Belding, MI
Download track map
Download track map


Open Track organized by

Great Lakes Lotus Club

GLLC May 31st & June 1st 2025 Grattan Raceway

Sat, May 31 - Sun, Jun 1, 2025