About this event
The purpose of this registration is to get a list of people that would be interested in attending the SVRA/Trans Am event at Indianapolis Motor Speedway for FV ONLY SINGLE CLASS RACES. We have been offered an opportunity to race the IMS GP course without having to spend MOST of our track time glued to our mirrors. FV is a FEATURED MARQUE at this event. Although racing is inherently 'dangerous', running with ONLY FV in your group is much MORE FUN.
This will be sanctioned by SVRA, and they are accepting all cars and licenses for almost any 'legal' Formula Vee and 'competition licensed drivers' in most any racing organization in the USA. Please contact SVRA via their website if you have specific concerns about a particular car or licensing issue.
This registration is just an email list for informational updates should they be needed, so please jump in here if you'd like to do this event. If anyone asks a relevant question that is not answered yet, I'll be echoing the answer back out to the group via email.