About this event
To celebrate the club's 70 years of fun, we offer a fun way to get to the party, a 70 mile rally!
We'll start at Ruehs park in Alaska, MI (the address is officially in Caledonia) and travel the fun roads to Porto Bello in Grand Haven. All of the roads will be paved aside from a few of the alleys (which will be at very low speeds) so you can drive your nice car. Some of the places visited will be former FG meeting, or rally ending locations. Many of the roads have been used on past rallies.
The rally will be actually be 3 short rallies of different formats
1. A Tour TSD with straightforward instructions, where scores are based on how accurately you can maintain the average speeds given to you in the instructions.
2. A course following gimmick, utilizing the streets and alleys of the downtown area. The instructions will be a puzzle of syntax and the route will be a challenge to follow. Scoring will be based on how well you can stay on course. GPS checkpoints will tell us if you did it correctly or not
3. A Continental TSD, the instructions will be easy to follow, you'll be given target times at signs along way, its up to you to decide your average speeds to arrive on time.
more info to come please check back soon