About this event

Audi Club North America Chicagoland

Please join us for a casual meet up at the Dog n Suds Drive-in in Grayslake!  Audis are preferred, but all makes and models are welcome.

We'll start gathering starting at 5pm, have dinner around 6pm and stay until 7:30pm.  Bring your friends, family, pets, all are welcome at this family friendly event!


Location:  Grayslake Dog n Suds Drive-in

Address:  454 Cty A27, Grayslake, IL 60030

Date:  Thursday, Aug 3, 2022

Time:  5pm - 8pm


Event Highlights:

  • Food, Audi fans, family friendly get together

Event requirements

Member benefits include the quattro Quarterly Magazine, discounts on vehicles, parts and apparel, and more.

To join/renew:  https://audiclubna.org/join-2/

Grayslake Dog n Suds Drive-in

Grayslake, IL


Car Show/Concours organized by

Audi Club NA - Chicagoland Chapter

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Event over!