About this event
Announcing the 2023 Porsche Club of America St. Louis Chapter All Porsche Car Show!
A great PCASTL event designed to bring all Porsche’s together and share with your fellow club members, enthusiasts and the local community. PCASTL is grateful for the support of our local sponsors including Porsche St. Louis, JML Audio, St. Louis Auto Detail and St. Louis Auto Shield, all of whom will have on site displays and team members in attendance.
Date: Sunday August 20th, 2023, rain or shine.
Time: Set up at 8:30am-11:00am and show runs from 11:00am-2:00pm.
Location: City of Clayton Parking Lot, downtown Clayton. Address is 40 South Central Avenue (at the corner of Central Avenue and Carondelet Avenue)
The event features 10 car classes from historic to current models and trophies will be awarded including PCA Jr. and Best in Show!
Spectators and guests are FREE and no need to register for the event.
Vehicle entry fee is $40 per car, which includes entry packet, customize dashboard card, event T shirt and other cool stuff. Space is limited to register early!
See you there!