Sat, Mar 18 - Sun, Mar 19, 2023

CenDiv Spring Training 2023

Best Western Airport, Milwaukee

About this event

Central Division Spring Training
 Saturday, March 18, 2023

Sponsored in part by Hagerty MotorsportReg

Best Western Plus Milwaukee Airport Hotel & Conference Center

5105 S. Howell Ave

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207


"Subscribe to the SCCA CenDiv newsletter to keep up with changes to Spring Training as well as other Divisional news."

*****Hotel reservation block has been extended to 03/03/23****

"Because of too few registrations to justify their inclusion the following interest areas are being canceled for the CenDiv Spring Training on March 17.  You will be contacted individually to make another selection or cancel your attendance." 

Rally Cross

Road Rally

Solo (Autocross)

F&C New Worker training.  Those who selected this option will be assigned a mentor to assist you through the day in lieu of specific training, the F&C breakouts will still be held.

Paula Spencer

Event Coordinator


Registration is now open and will close on March 18th.  Please register for any specialty or interest that you have. There will be brief session contents published when we have that info from the leaders who will conduct the classes. We encourage you to join another group if your specialty isn't available at this time. You need not be an SCCA member to attend. 

Covid 19 Protocols will be considered depending on the situation at the time of the event.  Each individual should consider their own needs and precautions. 

We have the following National Staff guests scheduled to appear at this year's training;

Mike Cobb - President and CEO of SCCA

Chris Robbins - Director of Region Development

Abby Scher - Manager of Region Communication, Training & Events

John Hunter - Time Trials Program Manager

Jon Krolewicz - Senior Manager of Regional Track Program Development & Chairman of Endurance Program Board

Heyward Wagner - Senior Director, Rally/Solo and Experiential Programs**

If you are a member of a Road Racing Region, your expenses will be covered   If in question please register and we will figure it out.

As in the past, breakfast and lunch on Saturday are provided at no charge. 

Sunday breakfast included for those attending the CenDiv Baord Meeting

Spring Training Saturday Lunch 

Pasta Buffet - Several pastas, 3 sauces, salad, garlic bread and Dessert additionally there will be a Vegan Lasagna which is also gluten free and low carb

If there are other dietary needs please contact Paula, via email, by March 13th @

The hotel is committed to meeting your special dietary needs. 

Please register by MondayMarch 13, 2023 to be included in the lunch count. A meal is not guaranteed for those who register after this date. If you have special dietary or facility needs, please contact Paula Spencer,

Saturday Dinner (optional!) The Aviator has reopened and will be available for our event. 
We invite you to stay for dinner at the hotel Saturday night. Enjoy some good food, continued discussions, socializing, and bench racing. The cost of dinner is NOT included in the registration, but you WILL receive a coupon good for $5 towards the purchase of dinner in the hotel restaurant.  (This coupon may be used on either Friday or Saturday evening).  

The Aviator will broadcast the "12 hours of Sebring"

For registration concerns contact Sue Green,

If something arises and you are not able to attend, please contact registration as soon as possible so we can appropriately adjust attendance counts.

Note: The CENDIV/BoD, REs and Stewards will also be meeting on Sunday, March 19, 2023

The hotel guest rooms for CENDIV Spring Training are available for reserving at this time.  Reservation Link

Please make your reservation is by contacting the following individual;

Michelle Banaszak on her direct phone line at (414) 831-3655 or through her email  If she is not available, please leave a message explaining who you are, what you want and a phone number for her to call you back.  Do not leave personal or credit card information on the voicemail. You can also call the main hotel line and ask for her in the sales office (414) 769-2100.

Best Western Plus Milwaukee Airport Hotel & Conference Center

The rate is $102.00 per night plus taxes and incidentals; King or 2 Queens for 1-2 people.  Additional guests are $10.00 per night, per person plus tax located in the wing section of the hotel​​​​​​ .  Other lodging options are on your own.  A major credit card will be needed to secure the reservation.    Reservation Link  If you need an accessible room or wish to upgrade to a poolside room for an additional $30.00 per night, please call Michelle.

The room block expires on February 24, 2023  After that date if there are still rooms available the hotel may honor the contracted rate at their total discretion.  

The schedule and session content will be provided when available. 

Your 2023 Spring Training Team,

Paula Spencer

Sue Green

Mike Smith

Kevin Coulter

Also many presenters, committees, SCCA & hotel staff members.

Event requirements

Please register for the session you plan to attend regardless of license type. 

This is for room space and planning purposes. 

Thank you.

Print your copy of the schedule:  2023 schedule 2023 Spring Training Presenters

Attendees (146)

Larry Fournier
Justin Gaver
Ric Green
Scott Petersen
Dave Tatge
Lorraine Bollig
William G Lang
Jamie Scholl

Best Western Airport, Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI
Download track map
Download track map


Seminar/Meeting organized by

SCCA - CenDiv

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Event over!