Sat, Jun 10 - Sun, Jun 11, 2023

2023 Okemo I

Okemo Mountain

About this event

Join KSCC for our first New England Hillclimb Association (NEHA) event of 2023!

Okemo I - June 10-11 2023

For rules and requirements for NEHA Events please visit:

This event has a 55 car limit - entries will appear as 'new' until confirmed by the registraer 



This hillclimb is a time-trial held on the challenging access road up Okemo Mountain. The paved surface is approximately 2.7 miles long with 30+ corners.

The Okemo Mountain Road is graciously provided the Okemo Mountain resort, and the Town of Ludlow, VT

This event will run according to the New England Hillclimb Series Regulations, Classifications, and Technical and Safety Requirements. Rally teams agree to abide by their log book's sanctioning body for car prep and safety regulations. These and all NEHA events are open generally to all street cars and most race cars.  Please see the regulations section of for full details on regulations, classifications and technical and safety requirements. 

We must also comply with the terms of the Club’s Special Use Permit from the state, State Park Stipulations for Time Trials, and our agreements with Okemo and the Town of Ludlow. Speedway Safety provides our professional rescue service.

Scoring: Scoring will be based on their fastest time on Sunday unless Sunday is rained out and then Saturday times will be used.

Event Duration: At this event, our goal is to use the time allotted to us by the state permit (8am - 5pm) to the maximum extent possible and minimize waiting time. Our schedule to achieve this includes an EARLY scheduling of Workers and Drivers meetings and a 45-minute lunch turnaround.

MANDATORY ROOKIE ORIENTATION: If you have not run THIS HILL before, you must attend rookie instruction on Friday evening. See the schedule for details. You will not need your car for this instruction session.


Weather: Although we hope for a fine summer day, Hillclimbs are run in all kinds of weather. Consideration will be given to worker safety, visibility, road condition and communications.

Fluid Spills: Fluid spills are the responsibility of those who spill it. This includes cleanup and disposal, off premises. Each car must carry a large, heavy duty, trash bag. (This will be checked at tech inspection.) Oil absorbing materials are at the top and bottom of the hill



Event Chair:          Paul Malko           

Event Registrar:    Catherine Denmeade     860.604.6738


This is a muffled event, with a target of 90 dBA or less at 50 feet from exit of exhaust - ALL CARS MUST BE MUFFLED

ALL vehicles must be teched in the Okemo parking area / pits. Drivers are responsible for providing a jack in the campground tech.


CAMPING: Camping is allowed in the pit area only for RVs (no tent camping or open-air camping is permitted)


Okemo Mountain Resort Lodging 1-800-786-5366

Timber Inn: 802-228-8666

Colonial Motel 802-228-8188

Pointe at Castle Hill Hotel 802-228-7688


APPROXIMATE SCHEDULE - Schedule is subject to change


12noon Sweep and set up hill – all help is welcome, best way to learn the hill!

4 - 7pm Registration

4:00 pm - dusk Tech Inspection open. Vehicles must be teched in designated tech zone and must be street legal to drive on public road. Rally cars must have logbooks with them.

6:00 pm Rookie Orientation. If you have not run THIS HILL before, you must attend rookie orientation.

Course is open to rally car teams for pace notes once hill set-up is complete (by or before 6:00) - rally cars teams must obey road rules durring recce including the posted speed limit and remaining on the right side of the road


Saturday & Sunday:

Our state permit hours are 8am to 5pm

6:00 am Equipment setup and phone testing; close road to non-race traffic

6:15 - 7:15 am (approx.) Registration + tech inspection open (Saturday only). Rally cars MUST have logbooks with them. 

7:00 am Worker meeting and Assignments (near registration)


7:15 am Workers report to station 

8:00 am Begin Group A fam run when “Clear Course” is reported by all stations

               Sequence:  Group A fam run and bring down followed by first timed run for Group A

                                   Group B fam run and bring down followed by first timed run for Group B

                                   Groups alternate runs for the rest of the day         

12:00 pm (approx.) Lunch. Workers will be brought down the hill for lunch. No racing happens during lunch.

1:00 pm (approx.) Group A and B continue to alternate runs until close of the hill.

5:30 pm (approx.) Close of hill. Worker hydration, debriefing, and return or radios.


Awards will be presented after equipment/wire crews have completed teardown on Sunday - the more help we have the sooner we get to awards!


Event requirements

Participants are cautioned that all motor sports have inherent risks; and it is the participants responsibility to take adequate precautions in light of these risks. No expressed or implied warranty of safety or freedom from risk shall result from publication of or compliance with any New England Hillclimb Series or Killington Sports Car Club rules and regulations.

Okemo Mountain

Ludlow, VT


Hill Climb organized by

Killington Sports Car Club (KSCC)

Event over!