15 entries
Name Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Adam Dooley
Calgary, AB
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Avian Dooley
Calgary, AB
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Ana-Kayla Gerardo
Calgary, AB
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Daniel Hurtado
Calgary, AB
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Dennis Jeffery
Calgary, AB
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Harrison Jeffery
Calgary, AB
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Nicole Kyswaty
Calgary, AB
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Kevin Langlois
Calgary, AB
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Oliver Langlois
Calgary, AB
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Don Noakes
Calgary, AB
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Evan Pruss
Red Deer, AB
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Mike Pruss
Red Deer, AB
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Emma Velpel
Calgary, AB
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Brad Walker
Airdrie, ABRedline Real Estate
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Freddy Wallace
Calgary, AB
The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.