Attendee List
56 entries
Name Status Hometown
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James Alder
ConfirmedReno, NV
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Marty Benck
ConfirmedSebastopol, CA
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Malon Brown
ConfirmedPleasanton, CA
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Scott Brown
ConfirmedRedwood City, CA
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Lloyd Buck
ConfirmedPetaluma, CA
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Jonathan Burke
ConfirmedBerkeley, CA
John C. Burton
ConfirmedSausalito, CA
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Stephen Chamberlin
ConfirmedRichmond, CA
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Dean Collins
ConfirmedRedwood City, CA
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Robert S. Davis
ConfirmedSan Francisco, CA
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Locke de Bretteville
ConfirmedSanta Rosa, CA
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Marnix Dillenius
ConfirmedSan Francisco, CA
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Gary Drean
ConfirmedRancho Santa Fe, CA
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Paolo Epifani
ConfirmedBerkeley, CA
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Joe Fabris
ConfirmedWatsonville, CA
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Paul Frame
ConfirmedSacramento, CA
Lawrence Gilpin
ConfirmedLinden, VA
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Steve Gomas
ConfirmedDanville, CA
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Trevor Green-Smith
ConfirmedPetaluma, CA
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Greg Hoff
ConfirmedOakland, CA
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Don Hogue
ConfirmedHollister, CA
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George Jewett
ConfirmedGreenbrae, CA
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Eric S. Jones
ConfirmedEugene, OR
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Kevin Kemper
ConfirmedMeadow Vista, CA
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Rick King
ConfirmedBerkeley, CA
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Edward Lamantia
ConfirmedLincoln, CA
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Ross Lindell
ConfirmedOakland, CA
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Gregor Magnusson
ConfirmedFelton, CA
Linda Manning
ConfirmedLittle River, CA
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nick martin
ConfirmedReno, Nv
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Dan Marvin
ConfirmedBerkeley, CA
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Bruce McKean
ConfirmedGig Harbor, WA
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Ross Merrill
ConfirmedSalinas, CA
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Scott Miller
ConfirmedSebastopol, CA
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Jean Pierre Molerus
ConfirmedBeaverton, OR
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Veronica OShea
ConfirmedCarmel, CA
Julien Pearl
ConfirmedFairfax, CA
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Geoff Pitts
ConfirmedWoodland, CA
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Paul Quackenbush
ConfirmedGrants Pass, OR
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Phillip Ribbs
ConfirmedSanta Cruz, CA
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Kate Roth
ConfirmedMill Valley, CA
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Steve Schmidt
ConfirmedCosta Mesa, CA
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Charles Smith
ConfirmedGlen Ellen, CA
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Jim Smith
ConfirmedWoodside, CA
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Robert Stoker
ConfirmedMill Valley, CA
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Dave Stone
ConfirmedMenlo Park, CA
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Skip Streets
ConfirmedSan Clemente, CA
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Petey Thornton
ConfirmedSonoma, CA 95476
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Troy Tinsley
ConfirmedMontara, CA
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Cynthia Torp
ConfirmedWalnut Creek, CA
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David Wallace
ConfirmedLarkspur, CA
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Jack Woodruff
ConfirmedRichmond, CA
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Ivan Zaremba
ConfirmedSan Rafael, CA
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Ben Zlotkin
ConfirmedMill Valley, CA
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Michael Zubko
ConfirmedLake Oswego, OR
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Dave Zurlinden
ConfirmedMonterey, CA

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.