VRG Driver School at Summit Point WV
Summit Point - Summit Point CircuitAbout this event
VRG Driver School at Summit Point Motorsports Park
May 13 -15, 2025
Entry Fee: $695
You will not be charged until your application is accepted.
School registration will not be complete without payment in full.
You must be a current VRG member to participate in the school and you must submit a current race medical form.
Please join VRG or renew your membership for 2025 first by clicking here: Membership and once approved, you can then register for the school.
Find a copy of the medical form here: Medical Form
All applicants must possess a driver's license or learners permit in their state of residence.
All applicants under the age of majority in their state of residence must have a signed wavier on file with VRG. Minor Wavier
All applications to the school will be placed on Wait List status and each student will be notified when they have been accepted.
For school questions please contact the Chief Instructors.
Refund Policy, please read before registering:
Applicants who cancel on or before Sunday April 6th will receive a full refund.
Applicants who cancel after midnight Sunday April 6th will NOT receive refund unless we have an applicant available to fill the slot.
To register for the Jefferson 500 please click here
Schedule Updates:
Even with the best planned schedule, things can change. To help keep entrants informed of the latest updates, VRG will send text messages during the event. Please opt in for text messages and provide your cell phone number when you register, Thank You!
Rental Race Cars:
In order to get the most out of your VRG Driver School experience it is important to have a reliable race car that you can complete all the exercises in. One way to do that and save your vintage car for the races is to hire a fully supported race car with crew.
There are a number of options for race car rentals. Two race shops that have a good record of supporting VRG students are:
- RP Performance provides fully race prepared Mazda Miatas with trained crews.
- Contact Bret De Pedro at RP Performance | Summit Point WV | Facebook 304-728-6749.
- Olde Speed Vintage Racer Rentals provides vintage-eligible Spec Racer Renault race cars with trained crews.
- Contact John Dunnock at John@oldespeed.com or on their facebook page FaceBook.
Other Services:
The Summit Point Pro Shop will be open 9 to 2 each day. For a specific item you can email Margaret@spproshop.com.
Chez Summit, Summit Point's world famous cafeteria will be open with a limited lunch on Wednesday 11AM - 2PM and Thursday thru Sunday 7:30AM to 2 PM. Payment by credit card only.
Event requirements
Membership and Safety Requirements:
- Current VRG membership with current race medical on file is required and must be presented at registration in order to attend the school.
- VRG eligible vintage race prepared cars only (no street cars - this is not HPDE).
- Please read the VRG requirements for safety gear including helmet, hans device, suit, shoes and gloves click here
Minimum Driver Experience Requirement:
Vintage racing is a high speed activity in cars that have manual transmissions. Therefore it is required that each student comes into the VRG licensing school with the following abilities and experience:
- Driving at high speed in a controlled environment. Solo-level HPDE experience meets this requirement.
- The ability to operate a fully manual transmission with fast smooth upshifts and down shifts. The ability to heel and toe down shift is highly desirable. Paddle shift experience does not meet this requirement.
Applicants should be prepared to discuss their high speed driving experience with their instructor.
Crew Requirements:
The VRG Licensing School is a fast paced event that is both physically and mentally challenging. When you are not on track in your race car, you will likely be meeting with your instructor team. This means that you will need help getting your vintage race car in the right place at the right time. Even if you are renting a car for the school it is you will need a crew member of your own to move your car and personally help you. Therefore, you are required to have an adult crew member who can help make sure you and your car are ready to participate in all school sessions. Please register that person as CREW on your application/registration. If they are not listed, you must be prepared to identify and register them when you check in.
Other Questions: Please contact the Chief Instructors