Sat, May 10, 2025

Trillium Chapter BMW CCA '25 #1

Woodbine Mohawk Park

About this event

   Saturday, May 10th, 2025

The primary emphasis of the Tire Rack Street Survival® is a "hands-on" driving experience in real-world situations! We use your own car to teach you about its handling limits and how you can control them. The students will become more observant of the traffic situation they find themselves in. They will learn to look far enough ahead to anticipate unwise actions of other drivers. As the students master the application of physics to drive their cars, they will make fewer unwise driving actions themselves. They will understand why they should always wear their own seatbelts, and why they should insist that their passengers wear seatbelts, too.

It's about more than driving - it's about LIVING!

Three parents, including Scott Goodyear, former Indy Car Champion, share their perspectives in this video.

All Schools $125.

For Students, your credit card will not be billed until the organizers confirm the event will proceed.

See our FAQ page at:

Any questions after reviewing the FAQ page call Bill Wade, National Program Director, @ 502-649-4871 (8 am - 8 pm EST)



Event requirements

The Trillium Tire Rack Street Survival School is intended for drivers with less than 10 years of experience.  While other drivers will be allowed to register, they will be wait-listed to ensure we give priority to drivers with less than 10 years experience.  A full refund will be provided to wait-listed registrants if the event is full.

Participants are required to have:

  • A valid Ontario G2 or G driver’s license, or equivalent, for each participant. A G1 license is not accepted.
  • A car for each participant (alternatively, one car can be shared between 2 participants)
  • Cars are NOT provided.
  • Participants are encouraged to use the car they normally drive so they learn how their car would perform in an emergency.

Parents are encouraged to stay!  Please arrive early.

Vehicles with modifications that alter the center of gravity (i.e. lift kits) are not acceptable.

Safety Note:

High Center of Gravity Vehicles (HCGs) such as SUVs, SAVs, Trucks, Jeep-type vehicles, and Minivans will need to be verified.  The older HCGs without electronic stability control (not just the electronic traction control) will not be accepted.

HCG vehicles may still be limited with respect to the exercises in which they are allowed to participate based on local venue conditions. 

Please look up the HCG vehicle safety score. You can research the safety ratings that a vehicle has received at  Input the vehicle and year and look at the safety rating in the upper right corner of the web page. 

This review is for HCG vehicles only. Passenger cars do not need to be reviewed.

Any vehicle with a listing of 3 stars or more out of 5 in the Roll Over test will be allowed to participate in our class. We are concerned about the Roll Over test on the HCG only. We are not concerned about the crash test ratings.

Any HCG vehicle listed as “not tested” in the Roll Over test will not be allowed to participate.




Street Survival may be filming or recording this event. By registering for this event, you (a) acknowledge that you have been informed that you may be filmed or recorded for Street Survival advertising purposes; and (b) grant your irrevocable consent to Tire Rack Street Survival / BMW CCA Foundation its successors, assigns, and licensees to include your name, likeness, photographic image, mannerisms, and voice (your, “Content”) in Tire Rack Street Survival advertising, educational materials, brochures, packaging and other promotional material (print and digital) and through other redistributed media, without compensation and/or credit, and for such Content to be exploited for any purpose whatsoever in any and all media now known or hereafter devised throughout the universe in perpetuity.

All photographs, film or video footage, or other audio or video recordings of the Content, and any works derived therefrom, shall be the sole property of Tire Rack Street Survival and you waive any and all rights of publicity, privacy, or other rights therein. You further waive any and all rights to bring an action at law or equity related to the Content against Tire Rack Street Survival, its successors, assigns, and licensees, and release them from any and all liability whatsoever related to the Content.

If you do not agree to the above terms or if you do not wish to be photographed or recorded, you should not register for this event. Thank you.

You warrant that you are at least 18 years of age or older and have the full legal capacity to execute this Agreement.

Woodbine Mohawk Park

Campbellville, Ontario


Car Control Clinic organized by

Tire Rack Street Survival - Greater Toronto Area

Trillium Chapter BMW CCA '25 #1

Sat, May 10, 2025