Thu, Aug 21 - Sun, Aug 24, 2025


Sonoma Raceway

About this event


Hold onto your Shelby hats, sports fans! SAAC’s 50th Anniversary convention is coming at you, and if ever there was a national convention you will want to attend – with or without your car, and no matter how far away you live – this would be the one. Fifty years is a giant milestone and we expect this convention will be the one everyone will be talking about for years to come. We’ve packed the schedule with enough activities to keep everyone busy. 

The track we picked is Sonoma Raceway (previously Sears Point, and then Infineon if you’re a little confused by the musical chairs name changing). We’ve been here before so we know what to expect. It’s a top drawer facility. SAAC’s NorCal Region will be running the track portion of the convention because when you’ve got tons of experience, why wouldn’t you want to use it? They run flawlessly smooth events where track time is maximized and Mickey Mouse rules and requirements are minimized. They know what they’re doing. We’ll also have parade laps for convention-goers who might not want to commit their cars to full-tilt laps but still want to get the feel of the track.

Thursday August 21st -  is load-in day at the track. Arrive at your leisure, choose a spot, unload your car and set up camp. It’s also a good day for those without cars to walk around and get an up-close look at some of the machinery that will be there all weekend. In the afternoon you can head over to DenBeste Motorsports (about an hour away) to see their operation. They are the largest Shelby Cobra dealer in the country and they have, literally, a wall of Cobras. It’s also the home of the Carroll Shelby Engine Company where they build Shelby engines that will make your eyes water. Then top the evening off with a special showing of the 2019 movie “Ford vs. Ferrari.” We’re betting you’ve already seen this at least once before, but watching it again will allow you to pick out details you probably missed. Try to overlook the roughhousing between Carroll Shelby and Ken Miles.

Friday August 22nd -  will be at the track. The morning will be taken up with open track sessions and parade laps. In the afternoon the track will be converted to a drag strip for bracket racing. If you’ve never driven your car on actual drag strip (don’t be embarrassed – most people haven’t) this is the perfect time to do it. If you have, you know what a blast it is! We’ve scheduled a shopping trip in the afternoon to downtown Sonoma for those who get their fill of the track quickly. After the drag strip closes down the convention action moves about an hour away to The Cobra Experience. It’s one of the best Cobra museums in the country, with about 40 stunning Cobras, Shelbys and GT40s. The place drips with history. Sprinkled among the cars are displays of Shelby memorabilia, parts, engines and even some machine tools and equipment from the original Cobraworks in Venice where the Cobras were first made. Pizzas and stuff will be served and they have a professional theater with dynamite surround-sound that will be showing a special Cobra feature you have to see.

Saturday August 23rd -  is back at the track. There’s a full day of open track run groups, more parade laps, and practice and qualifying sessions for vintage racing. You'll be able to see Cobras, Shelbys and GT40s out on track in just like the good old days. And do these guys put on a show! The Judged Concours will also be taking place, where cars are judged against a standard of perfection in accuracy and workmanship by teams of the most knowledgeable judges in the country. The cars are breathtaking. The vintage races will cap off the day and bring everyone to the edge of the fence. Then everyone will head back to the hotel for dinner and the SAAC evening program. We’re working on a special program of speakers that will include Peter Brock and Wayne Carini but we plan to add a couple of surprises. You’ll have to show up to find out.

Sunday August 24th -  More track time and parade laps all day with a Historic Race. There will also be a popular vote car show where rows and rows of cars will be on display This is the stuff dreams are made of. If all of this doesn’t float your boat then we don’t know what will. Check your pulse – you may be on the way out.

SAAC-50 will be the best SAAC convention of all times and one you really don’t want to miss. We’ll see you there.

Sonoma Raceway

Sonoma, CA
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Combined organized by

Shelby American Automobile Club


Thu, Aug 21 - Sun, Aug 24, 2025