About this event
Redwood Region PCA presents the
Mount Tam Trek
A modified time-speed-distance (TSD) rally on Saturday June 18, 2022
This event is open to all rallyists, regardless of PCA membership or car driven. The start is in San Rafael and the finish is in Novato. The rally is about 105 miles and about 4 and a half hours long.
The route will take you up to the East Peak of Mount Tamalpais and then down to the great roads of the Point Reyes National Seashore. All roads are paved and in good condition.
The route will be clearly defined with street names, diagrams, and miles to each turn; there are no traps or gimmicks. Checkpoints will be GPS located and a smartphone will be required. There are no classes or car requirements; all car marques are welcome. Awards will be presented to the top three cars.
This is a "modified time-speed-distance" rally. Checkpoint location and in-times will be given. Your job will be to follow the route, arrive at the parking area a little early, and trigger the GPS checkpoint with your smartphone at your assigned in-time. You will not have to calculate when you are due. There are no math requirements for this event. All checkpoint locations have restrooms and many include interesting displays and vistas. You will have time to do a little exploring before your out-time for the next checkpoint.
The cost is $25 per car for PCA members and $30 per car for non-members. Both driver and navigator should register, but only one needs to be a PCA member to qualify for the discounted entry fee.
The start will be at Hi-Tec Automotive, 779 Andersen Drive, San Rafael with a manditory safety meeting at 11:00 and first car out at 11:31. The finish will be at Mary's Pizza Shack in Novato.
For further information please contact Redwood Region Rally Director Jim Robison at jim_robison@comcast.net.
Event requirements
All registration must be done through msreg.com by Tuesday June 14th. There will be no on-site registration. A navigator is required and additional occupants are welcome.