About this event
Many different types of students enroll in our GT Road Racing program. Novice drivers to seasoned racers agree this course proved to be one of the most valuable experiences of their lifetime. The class is demanding, the challenges real, and the concentration it takes to complete this course will be rewarding for every student. It can also put you on the fast track to earn your SCCA License, which will be determined by your Radford instructor.
Although beginners may enroll, we recommend being proficient with a manual transmission to get the most out of this course. 80% of your time is spent behind the wheel, while the remaining 20% is spent in-classroom. Our signature 3:1 student to instructor ratio guarantees personalized instruction second to none.
Day One includes most of the classroom time in this course to ensure a solid foundation of car control and theory is paved before getting behind the wheel. Performance driving concepts, heel-toe downshifting, evasive maneuvers, vehicle weight transfer, and handling exercises will be the focus points for this day.
Day Two begins with a recap before student’s head to the skills pad once again to master skid control in one of the most effective tools at the school, the skid car. High speed braking and another handling exercise will cap off the morning before heading to the track for an introduction and flag talk. The rest of the day will consist of lead-and-follow scenarios, dialing in the correct racing line, before ending with open track time.
Day Three picks up the pace with the prior days information being put to the test with a day full of track time! Instructors will ride with you and personally coach you through each turn, showing cornering techniques, early and late apex points, and the quickest way around the track. On your own, you will have the opportunity to go as fast as your new abilities will take you. Real use of SCCA rules, racing etiquette, and racing flags are put into play. You will experience the adrenaline rush of being out on a track at speed while discovering a newfound respect for everyone who has competed in the motorsports arena.
Day Four Introductions to new track configurations and techniques of learning a new track. Students receive increased track time and can practice the fundamentals learned in the previous 3 days with the added element of racing etiquette and rules.
An Authorized Racing School of SCCA, Formula 4, and Formula America