Sun, Jun 22, 2014

TAC and TVR Slalom Series Event 3

John Hunt Park

About this event

The 2014 TAC and TVR Slalom Series

Event 3

Time Event
7:00 AM Setup
8:00 AM Tech & Registration Opens
8:30 AM - 9:40 AM Course Open for Walking
9:30 AM Tech & Registration Closes
9:15 AM Novice Walk-through
9:45 AM Mandatory Driver's Meeting
10:00 AM First Car Off


There is a $5 charge for not registering online.  


This schedule is subject to change.  For up-to-the-minute information on this event, click Here

Event requirements

In order to run an autocross, you will need to have a valid drivers license with you at the event.  All autocrossers under the age of 18 will be required to have a parent or legal guardian sign a minor's competition waiver before they can run the event.

If you are an SCCA member or a TAC member, please bring your current card with you to the event.



If this is your first year autocrossing, you may add the Novice index to your class.  This will allow you to compete with the other novices in a PAX based competition as opposed to competing with the regulars head-to-head in a class.  

Novice Class (N)

  1. In their first year of competition, any novice driver may choose to enter the Novice class provided the driver has none to minimal experience. The Novice class will be scored on the fastest RTP\PAX index time.
  2. Drivers will no longer be eligible to compete in the Novice class after two Novice class wins.
  3. The Novice Class is not eligible for normal year end class points / awards. The Novice Championship will be in the form of a run-off at the last event of the year. Novices who have become ineligible for Novice Class due to (2) will be eligible to compete in the run-off. The current Slalom Committee Chair is to determine how the run-off is held and scored.
  4. Any Novice who becomes ineligible for Novice Class due to (2) will be given a free 1 year club membership effective immediately or the following year if they are not already a member.

Entries (74)

Evan Williams
Austin Pemberton
Heath Pemberton
Tony Wellinghurst
Philip Bradley
Dan Bradley
John Faulkner
Tristan McMurray

John Hunt Park

Huntsville, AL
Download track map
Download track map


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Tennessee Valley Region - Solo

Event over!