Sat, Jan 5 - Sun, Jan 6, 2013

PCASDR DE & Time Trial – Streets of Willow Springs

Streets of Willow Springs

About this event

ONLINE EVENT REGISTRATION is now CLOSED.  Student spaces are SOLD OUT.  Registration for qualified advanced drivers is available at the track for an additional fee.  Please contact the Registrar at for fee info and to ensure you qualify before heading to the track.  Then be sure to enter info about your car at in addition to filling out the Tech form referred to on the next page.  Our next event will be a DE & TT January 26-27 at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway.  Registration for this event is currently open at  To modify your registration for the Streets of Willow event if you are already signed up please e-mail

Porsche Club of America  San Diego Region welcomes you!

Join us as we kick off the 2013 season at Southern California's favorite short track:  Streets of Willow Springs, Saturday & Sunday, January 5 & 6.  This event features both a DE and a Time Trial, with separate run groups for each event and differing entrant requirements (DE events have no driving prerequisites; see Prior Experience section on the following page).  Time Trials, which have driving prerequisites, work like a Driver's Ed event during practice, but feature Transponder timing during all sessions with times posted online immediately thereafter as well as in the Club's permanent record database after the event (no timing for DE run groups though in-car timers are currently permitted except for novices).  Run groups are allocated based upon supply and demand.

Please note:  Student spaces for all groups are currently full.  If you register now and are a Student you will be Waitlisted pending the registration of an additional Instructor or the cancellation of another Student.  It is suggested that if interested in a Student spot you register ASAP to indicate your interest as Students are taken from the Waitlist first-come, first-served, but with 2 day Students taking priority over 1 day Students.  You will not be charged anything if you are not Confirmed for the event.

We will be running the full configuration, with the bowl and skid pad, clockwise both days.  You may sign up for any one or both days.

To register we require that you join our group here on (note:  this just means adding PCA - San Diego to your list of Clubs on MotorsportReg; it does not make you a member of PCA).  Regardless of which region of PCA you belong to or if you don't belong to PCA at all, you must join the SDR group on this web site.  This will be done as a step in the registration process.  Non-Porsches that meet our rules are welcome!!!

Season Pass:  For those drivers who plan to run with us all season long – see our complete schedule here – we again offer the Season Pass at no up-front cost!  Track rental rates have been rising each year and yet we have not had a significant price increase in several years.  In fact, for 2013 we have LOWERED PRICES for early registration (defined as at least 2 weeks prior to the event), providing drivers that register in a timely fashion with the same prices they paid back in 2007.  And with a Season Pass you can get an even better deal and a free shirt!  Sign up for the Season Pass with this event then simply pay for and attend all days of all of our TT or DE events this year (you may skip up to 3 event-days in your chosen category if need be and may make up days in the other category, if qualified to drive in it) while receiving $25 off the then-current online price of each multi-day event ($10 per single-day event).  You'll also receive a free shirt just for signing up.  Combined with early registration for events, with a Season Pass you'll be paying what we charged way back in 2003!  You will not be charged anything up-front and will be entitled to the above discount at each SDR-managed track event including the California Festival of Speed.  If you miss more than 3 event-days, you will be back-billed for the cumulative discounts you received plus $25 for the shirt.  Complete details will be sent to you after you sign up and you may opt out at that time with no cost or obligation.  It's simple, costs you nothing, and potentially saves you more than $150 over the course of the season and helps you look sharp too!  You must sign up for this option by December 15 in order to ensure shirt availability (the Season Pass will still be available after December 15, but shirt availability is not guaranteed).

Event Hotel:  The event hotel is the Hampton Inn & Suites Lancaster, 2300 W Double Play Way, Lancaster, CA  93536, (661) 940-9194.  Ask for the Porsche Club of San Diego group rate of only $105 per night (single through quad; includes homemade waffles, etc. for breakfast).  Room block dropped at midnight on December 30 so reserve now.  Call directly rather than using the links to the right in order to get the Club's rate.

Camping at the Track:  You may camp at the track.  Please phone Willow Springs to make arrangements.  There may be fees payable to the track in order to camp.

Late Registration:  You must register with credit card on file by 11:59 pm December 21 to receive the discounted online rate; after that a $50 late fee applies through January 2.  Online registration closes at 11:59 pm December 31, after which even higher on-site registration fees apply.

Payment:  You MUST use a credit card to pay if registering online, VISA or MasterCard only.  For complete event pricing details proceed with registration steps.  You will have a chance to confirm after you make your selections.  Card billed AFTER the event.

Cancellation Fee:  There are potential fees associated with cancelling after various dates.  Please see the full cancellation policy at the bottom of the next page.

If you have a question about this event, please contact the Registrar at:

Event requirements

NOTE:  2013 Zone 8 Rules are now available.  Please read the information below carefully and use the classification website to determine your 2013 class before registering.

Prior Experience:
  DE participants need no prior experience (minimum age of 18 years, valid state driver's license, and good mental and physical health required)!  Time Trial participants without a Zone 8 Solo Permit (or approved equivalent) must have completed at least 8 Autocross and/or DE and/or Driving School days or equivalent over the past 24 months.  DE participants will have separate run groups from Time Trial participants.

All novice drivers will be required to have an Instructor.  Novice DE drivers will have a required educational component as part of their schedule that commences on Saturday morning at the track.  If you are a novice DE driver with no prior performance driving experience you must be at the track by 7:00 am on Saturday January 5.  Based upon past sign-ups, It is unlikely that there will be more than 1 DE group at this event so car sharing among 2 DE participants is unlikely (though if one participant qualifies to Time Trial, sharing is not an issue so long as there is enough demand for a DE group).  Also please note that there are clothing requirements and an approved Snell helmet is required.  Please contact the Registrar at least 2 weeks prior to the event for information on helmet rental if needed.  Experienced drivers new to SDR events may also be required to have an Instructor until their competency has been demonstrated.

You must classify your car using the 2013 Zone 8 Rules before you go on to register for this event.  Fortunately there's an online tool to help you do that.  Go to now and enter info about your car.  You need to do this BEFORE you click Continue below and begin to register as you are required to input your class as part of the registration process.  All cars need to do this, including X class cars, as safety equipment requirements are determined based upon Performance Equipment points which are calculated as part of the online tool.  The ability for the online tool to calculate Performance Equipment points for non-Porsches is still under development.  Non-Porsches running in X class may register now but will be required to provide their Performance Equipment point total prior to the event.  Even if you had previously determined and entered your class in 2012 and have made no changes to your car you must revisit the above website and click through the edit process in order for the tool to recalculate properly.  Note the resulting point totals and class and enter them when you register.  If you register without doing the above your registration will not be considered complete and you will be placed On Hold.  If you do not complete the above until after a price increase has occurred you will be required to pay the higher price.

Pre-tech is Strongly Encouraged!  Please try to take your car in for service and have it thoroughly inspected prior to this event.  With two full days of our high track time event in the Antelope Valley, you will want to be safe and have your car make it through the weekend.  Plus you'll want to be certain that, before you leave for the track, you and your car have any required safety equipment (Stock and Street Stock coupes generally need no additional safety equipment, but see the Rules link below to be sure that you qualify).  All entrants pre-teching must present a Tech Inspection Form with name, address, phone, car, class, etc. to a qualified tech inspection shop.  The form can be found at: Tech Inspection Form has changed for 2013.  Be sure the date on the first page, lower right corner is at least Dec '12.  The form currently does not allow online fill-in but will be accepted if filled-in manually.  Keep checking back if you prefer the fill-inable version.  Please download the new form using the link above.  Do not use any old form as only the most recent form will be accepted and if you bring the wrong form you will need to re-tech at the track.  Cars inspected by shops not personally known to the Registrar are subject to random on-site re-inspection.

This is a Zone 8 event and runs under PCA Zone 8 Driving Rules for 2013 which can be found here:

If there are any changes to your registration data after the online registration deadline, you need to notify the Registrar by the day of the event BEFORE the first run session.  If you know you will have a change after you sign up, it is greatly appreciated if the information can be provided to the Registrar by the Monday prior to the event.  Doing this will save you time at the track.

All entrants and guests shall be required to sign the PCA waiver upon registering at the track.  This is in addition to any waiver that the track itself may require you to sign.  You are responsible for your guests and may be asked to leave the event if your guests are found to have not signed the PCA waiver.

The track may charge its own separate nominal entrance fee.  This fee does not go to PCA and is beyond our control.

Transponders:  If you have an AMB Transponder, be sure you've entered the number under "My Account."  (Hint:  you do this where you edit your vehicle information.)  If you don't have a Transponder, they are available for rent and you must have a Transponder to drive in the Time Trial.  Transponder not required for DE registrants.

Entries (64)

Sohaib Kureshi
Alexander Ehrath
Jasmine Tripodi
Steve Eisler
H. Gino Yu
John Kline
Nick Perdikaris
Dennis Neff

Streets of Willow Springs

Rosamond, CA


Combined organized by

PCA - San Diego

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