Sat, Jun 7, 2014

GRA and Friends Solo2 Practice Event

El Toro Field

About this event


Guldstrand and Friends Solo II Practice

Saturday, June 7, 2014

(85 entrants max)


Online RegistrationGRA and Friends will have priority registration confirmation until May 24. NON-GRA and Friends will be placed on a waiting list.  Both lists will be updated daily on the forum.  After the 24th, open spots on the confirmed list will be filled from the waiting list.

What to expect - Combine wonderful Southern California weather and a first class autox course designed by the Guldstrand team and we’re sure to have a great day of fun and competition.  Please check-in at registration before 8:30 AM to choose a work group and receive your colored wrist band for that group (first come, first served). If you desire a particular work group, please be there early, closer to 7:00 AM. If you haven’t checked in by 8:30 AM, your spot will be given to someone on the waiting list who is there.  You can run all day except during your work group which will last approximately 1 1/2 hrs.  There will be 5 work groups.  A work schedule will be provided at waiver sign in.  You can run any car that has passed tech inspection.  Just run all day in the same grid lane, your wrist band color.  There will be a caterer present, though you might want to bring your own water.  Did I mention that fabulous El Toro grip!

There will be no shared run/work entries.  Price per entry is $70.  Online registration and payment only.  There may be walk-up entries accepted on the day of the practice in the event the practice does not  fill to capacity.  Look for annonucements @ 

California Sports Car Club (CSCC) is a not for profit club assembled for the sole purpose of organizing world class autocross events in the Cal Club Region of the Spoirts Car Club of America (SCCA). Organizers are non-paid volunteers. All entrants will be required to perform a normal work assignment as your contribution to the event.

When you arrive - Come through the main gate on Marine Way.  Turn right at the guard shack and follow the >SCCA> signs to the event site.  Be sure to observe the 25 speed limit while inside the facility.  When you see the large lot laden with bright orange cones you know you’ve arrived.  Be sure to sign the event waiver at the entrance to our area and receive a work schedule.  Park your car in any open spot and come to registration for check-in.  After registering, proceed to the tech area so your car and helmet can be approved.  Be sure allow enough time for a course walk.  That's're ready to go.

Accommodations - The La Quinta Inn @14972 Sand Canyon, Irvine, CA 92618 is just a block from our venue.   Tia Juana’s Long Bar and Grill, Knowlwood Restaurant, Denny's and Jack in the Box are all with walking distance of the hotel.  Many of Orange County's finest hotels, restaurants and nightlife are within a 10 minute drive.

No Overnight Camping - There is no overnight camping allowed on this site.  However, personal belongings, including vehicles, may remain overnight.  Everything must be removed by the time we leave on Sunday.  Neither Cal Club, GRA, El Toro Fields or AMCI will be responsible for damaged, lost or stolen property.

Driving directions - For for turn by turn driving directions to the event, just left click on the map to the right.   For GPS, use 6982 Marine Way, Irvine, CA

VERY IMPORTANT - As with any venue, we want to make a good impression on our landlords.  With that in mind, please use the receptacles for your trash and do not leave trash anywhere on site.  Also, have respect for the neighbors and drive carefully both inside and outside the site.


7:00 - Tech/Registration Opens
8:20 - Course closes for walking
8:30 - Mandatory Safety Meeting.  
8:45 - First group workers check-in: Tech/Registration closes
9:00 - First car out  


  • Held under the SCCA Solo Rules and the CSCC Solo Supplemental Regulations.
  • Helmets must conform to Snell 2000 or newer. Some loaner helmets will be available.
  • No alcohol or other intoxicants may be used by anyone on the event site.
  • Speed limits - Paddock 5 MPH; Access road 25 MPH
  • PLEASE USE CAUTION at all times while on site.

Special Rules: 

  • Competitors under 18 years old MUST have a waiver signed by BOTH parents.  Waiver forms are available at
  • Closed exhaust - 100db @ 50' noise standard.
  • Event officials reserve the right to make changes as needed without further notice.

Event Officials: 

EventMaster -  Chris Teague 
Registration - Navis Olsen
Timing and Scoring - Rick Brown
Course Designer - Casey Quinn, Jason Swindle
Workers - Brian Robertson
Tech -  Vince Marinkovich
Gate - Kevin Teague
Novice Coordinator - Leonard Cachola
Safety Steward - Brian Chmielewski
Youth Steward -  Quoc-Viet Dang


Event requirements

All entrants MUST BE SCCA members. Non-members can purchase an SCCA weekend membership on this site during the checkout process or at the event for $15 BEFORE going to registration. Those purchasing a weekend membership will receive a credit of $15 toward the purchase of a yearly SCCA membership. 


Held under the SCCA Solo Rules and the CSCC Solo Supplemental Regulations.

Helmets must conform to Snell 2000 or newer. Some loaner helmets will be available.

No alcohol or other intoxicants may be used by anyone on the event site.

Speed limits - Pits 5 MPH; Access road 25 MPH


Entries (107)

Macan Doroudian
Brandon Showalter
joseph daniello
Jay Tingzon
Michael McMenamin
Leonard Baptiste
Scott Hanson
Robert Joe

El Toro Field

Irvine, CA


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - SoCal Solo II

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Event over!